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Negative pressure & function inlet

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Old   October 18, 2015, 07:19
Default Negative pressure & function inlet
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Join Date: Aug 2014
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I don’t have much experience using FLUENT, so I faced some problems and that’s why I’m seeking your help.

First problem:
I am modeling the process of the stencil printing. I would like to get the pressure distribution on the surface of the stencil. I made the geometry as you see on fig1. The bottom line represents the stencil; the skew line the printing knife, and the curve is the phase boundary of the air and the printing material.
It’s a steady state 2D problem, I made it pressure-based type, and the viscous model is laminar, the others are not used.
I gave the stencil a moving wall boundary, and the knife is staying still during the simulation. ( I made it the same way using CFX and I got the theoretical results, depending on some literature)
My problem is I get only negative pressure! I don’t really no what to do with that, someone said it can be some solver setting problem, but I thought it would be better asking you. Do you have any ideas, how to make it work?

My second problem:
It’s a transient pipe filling. The geometry has 2 walls, an inlet and an outlet. The pipe filled with air at the beginning. I set a constant pressure inlet boundary, and water fills the pipe time step by step. It works. But I would like to set a function as an inlet boundary. And that’s where I stacked. Could you help me with that, or give some hint where to start looking for?

Thank you for any kind of help!
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function, inlet, negative pressure

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