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Mesh check failed

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Old   September 3, 2015, 10:54
Default Mesh check failed
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2013
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aja1345 is on a distinguished road
Hi dear friends,

I have a problem in Ansys Fluent.

When I check mesh,the the following information is saw:

"Mesh Check

Domain Extents:
x-coordinate: min (m) = -1.152834e-01, max (m) = 1.152834e-01
y-coordinate: min (m) = -7.058838e-18, max (m) = 1.125000e+00
z-coordinate: min (m) = -3.012500e-01, max (m) = -1.847759e-01
Volume statistics:
minimum volume (m3): 1.086857e-17
maximum volume (m3): 2.033040e-06
total volume (m3): 2.225942e-02
Face area statistics:
WARNING: invalid or face with too small area exists.
minimum face area (m2): 1.225212e-13
maximum face area (m2): 8.780503e-04
Checking mesh..........
WARNING: left-handed faces detected on zone 20: 4618032 right-handed, 36 left-handed.
Info: Used modified centroid in 13 cell(s) to prevent left-handed faces.
It is recommended that you try to fix the left-handed faces
via the TUI command
WARNING: The mesh contains high aspect ratio quadrilateral,
hexahedral, or polyhedral cells.
The default algorithm used to compute the wall
distance required by the turbulence models might
produce wrong results in these cells.
Please inspect the wall distance by displaying the
contours of the 'Cell Wall Distance' at the
boundaries. If you observe any irregularities we
recommend the use of an alternative algorithm to
correct the wall distance.
Please select /solve/initialize/repair-wall-distance
using the text user interface to switch to the
alternative algorithm.

WARNING: Mesh check failed.

To get more detailed information about the mesh check failure
increase the mesh check verbosity via the TUI command
Fluent can also try to fix the mesh check problems via the TUI command

Now, What do I do? can I set up Fluent in this situation?

Where is command of /mesh/repair-improve/repair in fluent?

I generated mesh in Gambit and it is structure and very good and I spent a lot of time for generating mesh.

I an grateful that guide me. really I am not able to solve it.



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Old   September 3, 2015, 12:41
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You can access the address fluent has shown to you via TUI
only type "mesh" then enter, then "repair-improve" and...
but usually it couldn't help you,
It's often better to check your mesh again, I think your minimum volume is too low!
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Old   January 21, 2016, 17:24
Default deal all
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I have the same problem with exporting structured mesh from Gambit to Fluent. But my problem is a bit different.

My mesh check failure is because of one of my zones that cannot be interpreted as Interior "Zone X cannot be changed into interior because it just contains one adjacent cell"

by using mesh/repair-improve/repair my mesh check problem solved. But the main problem arises when the simulation is completed and I wanted to use this simulation as an initial for other simulation or in another word when I want to save the case and data files. The mesh cannot save, therefore, I cannot save my simulation.
How can I fix this problem?
plz help if anyone encountered with this problem and know how to solve it

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Old   August 17, 2016, 22:27
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Nisar Fatima
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Originally Posted by aja1345 View Post
Hi dear friends,

I have a problem in Ansys Fluent.

When I check mesh,the the following information is saw:

"Mesh Check

Domain Extents:
x-coordinate: min (m) = -1.152834e-01, max (m) = 1.152834e-01
y-coordinate: min (m) = -7.058838e-18, max (m) = 1.125000e+00
z-coordinate: min (m) = -3.012500e-01, max (m) = -1.847759e-01
Volume statistics:
minimum volume (m3): 1.086857e-17
maximum volume (m3): 2.033040e-06
total volume (m3): 2.225942e-02
Face area statistics:
WARNING: invalid or face with too small area exists.
minimum face area (m2): 1.225212e-13
maximum face area (m2): 8.780503e-04
Checking mesh..........
WARNING: left-handed faces detected on zone 20: 4618032 right-handed, 36 left-handed.
Info: Used modified centroid in 13 cell(s) to prevent left-handed faces.
It is recommended that you try to fix the left-handed faces
via the TUI command
WARNING: The mesh contains high aspect ratio quadrilateral,
hexahedral, or polyhedral cells.
The default algorithm used to compute the wall
distance required by the turbulence models might
produce wrong results in these cells.
Please inspect the wall distance by displaying the
contours of the 'Cell Wall Distance' at the
boundaries. If you observe any irregularities we
recommend the use of an alternative algorithm to
correct the wall distance.
Please select /solve/initialize/repair-wall-distance
using the text user interface to switch to the
alternative algorithm.

WARNING: Mesh check failed.

To get more detailed information about the mesh check failure
increase the mesh check verbosity via the TUI command
Fluent can also try to fix the mesh check problems via the TUI command

Now, What do I do? can I set up Fluent in this situation?

Where is command of /mesh/repair-improve/repair in fluent?

I generated mesh in Gambit and it is structure and very good and I spent a lot of time for generating mesh.

I an grateful that guide me. really I am not able to solve it.




Hi Aja,
Have you solved your problem? I am also getting the same warning in FLUENT. Can you please tell the solution for how to avoid this warning? It would be a great help.

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