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Fluent crash on writing data file after thousand iterations

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Old   September 2, 2015, 17:17
Exclamation Fluent crash on writing data file after thousand iterations
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Join Date: Sep 2015
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Hi all,

I'm trying to couple two codes (Relap5 and Fluent) through Matlab.

I'm using Fluent as a Server started from matlab and I use the CORBA addons of Fluent with the interface ICoFluentUnit and ICoFluentSchemeController to give direct TUI command.

The part of the facility simulated by fluent makes use of the VOF model to simulate the cover gas and the domain has a velocity-inlet and a velocity outlet that constitutes the data-interface exchange with the other code Relap5. The velocities at the two boundaries are given by Relap5 while, at the same time, Fluent gives the pressures to the inlet and outlet " boundaries" of Relap5.

The simulation is transient and the scheme adopted is implicit. The coupled codes works perfectly and the model is stable. The problem is that after almost 3715 iterations (almost 44000 sub-iterations) Fluent crashes when is called for writing the data file. The code written in matlab execute the same exact command for more than 9000 times, so it is not a problem of code language.
The error appears every time very close to 3700 iterations even changing the time-step of the simulation.

Also trying to click on file -> write -> data manually from fluent just one iteration before the critical point causes the code to crash without giving any error. It's about three weeks that I'm facing this problem and today I finally discovered this bug (?) of Fluent.

What do you think the problem could be??
Thanks in advance.

More information:
Windows7 64 bit
Parallel process with 8 processors and 64Gb of RAM
Matlab 2014
Fluent 15.0.0

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bug?, crash, fluent 15.0, write data

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