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DPM steady simulation

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Old   July 6, 2015, 06:46
Default DPM steady simulation
S. Morichika
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 62
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Saidul is on a distinguished road
I am using FLUENT to simulate particle movement and deposition. My case is steady laminar. I am bit confuse about some results. I have just started with steady simulation. Suppose I have injected 800 particle by using inlet nodes and results show after 1 iteration 747 particles are trapped. But after 3000 iteration only 3 particles are trapped. Could anyone please explain, what is the meaning of iteration here? Why the number of trapped particles are decreasing when increasing the iteration. I found that after 14/15 iteration, number of trapped particles reduced significantly. What is the explanation for this types of results.

Thanks in advance. I am keen to know the basic about steady laminar simulation and iteration.

Thank you very much.

S. I.
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Old   July 6, 2015, 09:07
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Ethan Doan
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Hi Saidul, DPM works by solving the fluid flow then injecting the particles into that flow and using the flow to move the particles (if two way coupled then particles also have effect on flow via momentum source in next fluid set of iterations). To avoid an infinite loop where a particle is stuck recirculating forever the DPM calculation only proceedes for as long as you let it. In the DPM window you can control this by changing the tracking parameters. My suggestion for steady state DPM is converge the fluid flow completely without turning on DPM then turn on DPM injections and change the tracking paramters until number of incomplete tracks = 0 (escape + trapped +etc = injected)
Best of luck, hope this cleared somethings up for you
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iterations, laminar flow, steady simulation

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