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Ansys Fluent analysis of heat exchanger

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Old   April 17, 2015, 13:37
Default Ansys Fluent analysis of heat exchanger
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Hello everyone,

I am a Master student currently working on my thesis which includes the design and analysis of a heat exchanger.
My Promotor/Professor would like for me to do an analysis on the heat exchanger using the Ansys Fluent module...
I am however having some difficulty getting the correct settings and I was hoping I could get some help here (because I am running out of time)..

The heat exchanger design that was chosen is a simple concentric tube (double pipe) heat exchanger in counterflow configuration, I think I have the intakes and outlets labeled correctly, but I'm having some trouble correctly defining the heat transfer surfaces. As well as setting the correct boundary conditions.
The fluids are Hydrogen gas through the straight pipe and water in counterflow through the annulus.

I am using Ansys workbench 15.0

HX CAD file:

Ansys Project file:

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me,

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Old   April 18, 2015, 04:28
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what is your problem exactly? explain more please...
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Old   April 20, 2015, 09:40
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My problem is simply that I've never used the software before and I am running out of time for my thesis. So I don't exactly have time to figure this all out myself based on trial and error.

I don't know if what I've already done in the project I've uploaded is correct or the proper way to go from there in order to be able to start analyzing the heat exchanger.

I have the user guide and tutorials, but so far I haven't been able to really get what I need from that. So maybe if someone could point me in the direction of a step-by-step for heat exchangers or something...

I'm not asking to have the work done for me, just for someone to check the work that's already been done and explain how to go from there...
- How do I select the heat transfer surfaces? Does it matter if I select the
in or outside of the inner pipe, do I select both?
- How do I set the boundry layers for this and which ones do I need?
- Any more explanation to get this working is always welcome
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