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Dynamic Mesh problems - Bullet moving through a barrel and Muzzle Flow

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Old   April 4, 2015, 11:02
Default Dynamic Mesh problems - Bullet moving through a barrel and Muzzle Flow
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Tim Clark
Join Date: Apr 2015
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Very new to this forum but I'm in sore need of some help. A little background to my problem, I'm trying to simulate the gas flow caused by a bullet moving through the barrel of a gun and then the subsequent shock waves and gas flow when the bullet leaves the barrel.

Currently I'm trying to achieve this by utilising the profiles feature in fluent by defining the motion of the projectile. I've got a deforming mesh behind the projectile that creates new cells and up until this point I've been using the same profile to move the mesh infront of the projectile along with it (which I achieved by defining the mesh as a rigid body). The problem is this method doesn't seem to be producing results that look correct, and is often producing floating point errors. Was I wrong to set the mesh moving along with the projectile?

I have tried to keep the mesh infront of the projectile stationary but up to this point I've had no success in managing to get the mesh to delete cells when they reach a minimum size so I end up getting negative cell volume errors. Any help would really be appreciated because I am all out of ideas and I can't seem to find any more resources that answer my questions.

Thanks in advance!
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dynamic meshing, projectile

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