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What BCs to set in Fluent when I know only the static pressure at Inlet and outlet?

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Old   January 30, 2015, 00:32
Default What BCs to set in Fluent when I know only the static pressure at Inlet and outlet?
Nikesh Bhattarai
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Sacheon, South Korea
Posts: 82
Rep Power: 14
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I'm trying to simulate flow through a regulator to check the position at which the outlet pressure is 1,000 psi. (Case similar to the Fig. attached). The inlet pressure (static) is 2,800 psi. I can measure experimentally the static pressure using a pressure gauge before and aft of the regulator. But I don't have any velocity information.

I'm trying to perform this in step-wise manner by varying the position of the poppet-valve. But I have problems with BC.

Fluent uses "Total pressure" while implementing "Pressure-inlet" BC and "Static pressure" for "Pressure-inlet". Since I don't know the total pressure at the inlet and also have no velocity information, what BC is better for my case and how can I proceed?
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