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Creating an ISOSURFACE

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Old   December 9, 2014, 13:06
Question Creating an ISOSURFACE
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Join Date: May 2014
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feital is on a distinguished road

I'm trying to calcule by 2 ways (in a plane and in a volume) the average density of a mixture (two fluids) in a cylinder (height = 20 meters and radius = 0,5 meters, which is divided (t = 0 seconds) in two parts). The method is VOF (momentum Power-Law).

The non-newtonian fluid (carbopol), which is the heaviest fluid of the mixture, is initially (t=0) located above the newtonian fluid and occupies the superior half of the cylinder.

The first way is the calculation of the average density on the top of the cylinder (z = 20 meters).
To do that, I created a plane parallel to the top. Then, I create a surface monitor (Report Type - Area-Weighted Average) which monitors the variation of the average density with time (seconds).

The problem is the second way! I have to calcule the average density of the mixture in a small superior region
(I mean, between z = 18 meters and z = 20 meters, for example). Then, I have to create a surface monitor to get the results.
I don't know how to do the first step of this way
(create a Isosurface? But how can I especify the region between z = 18 and z =20 ???).

Just to clarify, I'm trying to calcule the variation of this average density with time (in a plane and in a VOLUME)

I aprecciate any attempt to help.
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isosurface, vof model

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