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Creating a fan

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Old   November 26, 2014, 11:36
Default Creating a fan
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theHumbleOne is on a distinguished road

I have a quite basic question I asked in another topic and decided to start a new, short (hopefully) topic.

I wanted to create a flat fan from a surface 'hanging' in the middle of a 3D fluid body (box). Now I know that in 3D simulations Fluent doesn't see 2D bodies and therefore the fan has to be created from body. So I need to create a fan-body inside a box-body.
What this fan-body should be like? I guess fluid (right?), but where should I apply a 'fan' BC (e.g. if it is a cylinder - interior or one of the walls)?
If it is fluid, I encounter another problem - without uniting/adding materials of the bodies, fluid in a Fluent symulation won't flow between them.

I know these are basics, but I can't learn anything helpful from manuals or forums.
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Old   December 5, 2014, 07:16
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I stopped "body approach" because in the meantime I found out how to transfer surfaces to Fluent.
In Fluent 15.0 there is a kind of a bug. In ANSYS Meshing -> Mesh -> Details of Mesh -> Advanced you have to change Element Midside Nodes from "dropped" to "program controlled".

The only problem is that surfaces appearing in Fluent are counted as one body called "baffle" (named selectons given in DesignModeler are suppressed in Mesher -> in Mesher you can't select this geometry -> finally, it appears in Fluent as described). So it looks to me that you can't give various BCs to each of them. For me it's not a problem, therefore i don't examine it any more.

PS I'm not sure, but had an impression, that in this approach joining bodies in one part was crucial.
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