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[Solution] Fluent hangs on exit in a 2 nodes cluster

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Old   November 9, 2014, 10:11
Default [Solution] Fluent hangs on exit in a 2 nodes cluster
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Hi all,
I noticed that fluent always hangs when I tipe exit in the command window, or if I exit from the menu.
I'm running fluent in a 2 nodes cluster with sles (machine hostnames are Workstation and Workstation2).
The cluster is offline, so I decided to use rsh instead off ssh.

By looking at the cleanup script created by fluent you can see something like this:

/usr/ansys_inc/v150/fluent/bin/ Workstation 49271 CLEANUP_EXITING

if [ $LOCALHOST = Workstation2 ]; then kill -9 7639; else ssh Workstation2 kill -9 7639; fi

...and so on for each process on Workstation2....

if [ $LOCALHOST = Workstation ]; then kill -9 15559; else ssh Workstation kill -9 15559; fi

...and so on for each process on Workstation....

rm -f /home/daniele/Desktop/Fluent/
If I type "hostname" in a linux shell the reply is Workstation.
So this means that Workstation kills the local processes and tries to ssh Workstation2 to kill the other processes: however Workstation2 requests a password to login, and that's where I think fluent hangs.
But I'm using passwordless rsh with openmpi...why fluent creates this script with ssh commands???

My solution was to set up passwordless ssh login and now fluent can exit without problems.
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Last edited by ghost82; November 10, 2014 at 03:01.
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