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Fluent Cd*A and local time for each iteration print out

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Old   October 30, 2014, 10:11
Question Fluent Cd*A and local time for each iteration print out
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Benjamin Hogan
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I am relatively new to all things Fluent, but I was wondering if I could bend the ear of someone with a bit more experience.

I have two questions;
  1. I want my drag monitors in Fluent to output the Cd*A, rather than the Cd. Could this be done by setting the reference area to 1? Are there any unforeseen drawbacks of doing this?
  2. My University's Linux parallel cluster is a bit up and down recently. I was wondering if it is possible for Fluent to print out the local time for each iteration? This would allow me to pin point what time my case failed.

Any help with the matters about would be greatly appreciated.

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Old   November 4, 2014, 13:32
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Stuart Buckingham
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Hi Benjamin,

I want my drag monitors in Fluent to output the Cd*A, rather than the Cd. Could this be done by setting the reference area to 1? Are there any unforeseen drawbacks of doing this?
You are correct. The only drawback is in the quantity itself, CDA has the units of m^-2 and would probably not be acceptable if used in a published paper, but if you want to use it, then your method is fine.

My University's Linux parallel cluster is a bit up and down recently
I would be suprised if it was only recently and not always. Clusters are never as easy to work with as anyone wants them to be!

I was wondering if it is possible for Fluent to print out the local time for each iteration? This would allow me to pin point what time my case failed.
Yep, just put the following line in your journal file somewhere:
/solve/execute-commands/add-edit print-time 1 "iteration" "!date"
This isn't the nicest solution, but it will put out a timestamp after each iteration. It's just using the UNIX date command, there are better platform independent ways of doing this using the scheme "time" command, but I'm not sure of the correct syntax (anyone?)

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drag, fluent, local, monitors, time

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