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Improper data to cluster through .cas and .dat files

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Old   October 24, 2014, 05:10
Unhappy Improper data to cluster through .cas and .dat files
New Member
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 17
Rep Power: 12
kaeran is on a distinguished road
Hello Fluent users,

I have some problem with exporting .cas and .dat file to the cluster.
I have explained my problem below in detail . Please give your valuable suggestions.

There are two ways to initialize the temperature of the body for a transient simulation. One is to patch it after initializing (after setting up the model)and the second way is to run the analysis in steady state with energy equation on and then switching over to transient without initializing again.

So, once the set up is done as mentioned above (using any of the above mentioned conditions) I exported the .cas and .dat file inorder to run it on cluster. The result that I got from cluster simulation was totally different form the one that I calculated in my visualisation server.
(I did simulation on the visualization server to check out whether the exported .cas and .dat files to the cluster provides exact result as my visualisation server)

The cluster result shows only the initialized temperature but not the expected cooled temperature (final state of the body).

Here my questions are,
Is this procedure correct?
Should .cas and .dat files be exported immediately after setup and initialization in Fluent or should I do some other steps?
Script file has been used to connect to the cluster. I have also mentioned my script here


/file/start-transcript transcript.txt

rcd trial8 ; read case and data

/solve/iterate 2500

wcd result8 ; write case and data

(format-time #f #f)



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