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simulating liquid metal in Fluent

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Old   October 11, 2014, 12:15
Default simulating liquid metal in Fluent
Senior Member
Shamoon Jamshed
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I want to simulate the effect of liquid metal pool and solid metal (combined). The liquid metal is constantly being heated due to the presence of heat source. This will melt the surrounding metal which is currently in the solid state.

What I did was that
1. I made a rectangular geometry and made a small rectangle on its top side.
2. I then specified the small rectangle as fluid zone and the lower big rectangle as solid. In fluent, I then specified liquid metal properties.
3. I made interface between solid and liquid parts.
4. I specified the newly created walls (formed from the interfaces) the Marangoni stress (as saw in a tutorial of solidfication and melting in ANSYS FLUENT).
5. I also turned on the solidification adn melting option. Specified the fluid zone in Cell Zone condition with Source term and then add the energy source term as 10,000 W/m3. I specifed the top wall of small rectangle as wall but with Mar. stress and gave temperature of 1000K.
6. I ran unsteady simulation but the melting effect is not appearing.
7. The temperature is high in the liquid metal region but only 50% rest of the liquid metal region and solid are mostly at 300K. There should be temperature variation w.r.t time. It should be like T shape (the melted region)

Please help me out.
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