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[ICEM] Simple heated plate for fluent

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Old   July 28, 2014, 21:43
Question [ICEM] Simple heated plate for fluent
New Member
Daniel B
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 20
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bgp723 is on a distinguished road

I am new to the forums and to ICEM CFD/Fluent so I'm just posting this here.
I'm trying to simulate a flow over a channel with a heat flux.

Whenever I make the mesh from the ANSYS meshing software, it automatically creates contact region (interface) between the fluid and solid and everything works fine. However, when I try to recreate the mesh with ICEM CFD, I cannot get the interface to work. Fluent keeps giving the error message: "unassigned interface zone detected for interface." (I am trying to switch over to ICEM CFD for scripting reasons)

I created a split wall between the solid and fluid region but it's still giving the same error message. If I define the interface as simply wall, then when I run the simulation, heat doesn't conduct to the moving fluid.

I made a very simple case here in ANSYS workbench (flow over a simple heated plate) to show my problem.
I need to know the temperature distribution on the solid for my project. Heated plate is just a simplification.

Any help is appreciated!

Last edited by bgp723; July 29, 2014 at 12:15.
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Old   July 29, 2014, 17:55
New Member
Daniel B
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 20
Rep Power: 12
bgp723 is on a distinguished road
I figured out my problem.
Everything I made in ICEM CFD was correct. However, I did not define the interface in fluent. (Solution setup -> mesh interfaces -> create/edit -> type in name of the interface and select the two walls at the interface -> create.
Heat now flowed into the fluid.

Here are the steps I took to create the two walls at the interface:
1. parts -> create part -> select the surface in between the fluid and solid region, assign name and create. Im going to call it "contact-region." (make sure this contact region is in between the solid and fluid body, which you create with "create part" under geometry tab)
2. create mesh using whatever method.
3. edit mesh -> split mesh -> split internal wall -> select "contact-region" you created in step 1
4. output -> boundary conditions -> find "contact-region" and "contact-region-back" -> create new -> interface for both parts
5. open fluent -> general -> mesh -> check. you will get the error message "unassigned interface zone detected for interface." However, after defining the interface in fluent, the error message will disappear and heat will now flow across from solid to fluid.
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heat flow, icem cfd, interface mesh

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