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Failure to generate a Boolean subtract

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Old   July 16, 2014, 00:49
Default Failure to generate a Boolean subtract
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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perrya is on a distinguished road

I am trying to analyse a 10 meter long NACA 0012 wing in Fluent using workbench. I have already modeled this aerofoil in fluent using 2d and achieved some reasonable results.

I am running into a problem where I import my solid works geometry of the wing, then make an enclosure and apply a Boolean subtract. It appears to subtract the wing from the enclosure. I then launch the meshing tool from workbench and it opens the geometry, I press update to create just an initial mesh but it shows an obsolete and failed mesh and throws me an error. I have also tried just importing the curve generated in solidworks and then extruding in design modeler and suppressing the line geometry to just leave the solid.

If I inspect the model I can see that it has meshed the outside surface as well as the end faces of the wing but not the body of the wing.

I have used a cylinder drawn in solidworks and applied the exact same process and It has generated the mesh no problem.

Please help, I cant understand why ANSY doesn't like my wing geometry.
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