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Heatpipe 2D with ICEM and Fluent

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Old   July 5, 2014, 11:47
Exclamation Heatpipe 2D with ICEM and Fluent
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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pepib is on a distinguished road
Hi everybody,

I would like to analyze the bouyancy effect at changing of size of this system (in figure).

I realize the geometry and mesh with icem with following steps:
1. First of all, I draw the six points, then I connect these points with curves and for each curve I give different parts names like WALL_TOP_CENTER, WALL_TOP_RIGHT and so on
2. After the geometry I create a new block with name FLUID and I split this block in 3 parts. I associate each vertex with corresponding point and then I associate each edge with corresponding curve.
3. Then I create the mesh uniform with command Curve Mesh Setup in Mesh card.
4. I give like solver Ansys Fluent and I define as B.C. "wall" for edges and "fluid" for block.
5. I convert in unstruct mesh and then I write input

I have imported the msh file in Ansys Fluent and I have given the following conditions:
1. pressure-based solver, gravity only along y-axis equal to -9.81 m/s^2
2. Activation of energy equation
3. Air like fluid with density change with temperature with piecewise linear function
4. Heat flux null for all walls except the WALL_BOTTOM_LEFT and WALL_BOTTOM_RIGHT where I have assigned the temperature of 270K for one and 300k for another one
5. Inizialization from WALL_BOTTOM_LEFT
Finally I had following error DIVERGENGE DETECT IN AMG SOLVER: TEMPERATURE, because I don't know where I have and what means this error I would like an your opinions. Please help me, I have an exam between few days

My entire project

Last edited by pepib; July 5, 2014 at 16:17.
pepib is offline   Reply With Quote


ansys 15, bouyancy, heat pipe

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