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Pilch and CA Erdman droplet break up in fluent

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Old   June 25, 2014, 16:33
Default Pilch and CA Erdman droplet break up in fluent
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From the documentation, I see that fluent has 4 droplet break up model (TAB, wave, KHRT, and SSD). Is it possible to simulate droplet break up such as described by Pilch and Erdman in their paper: Use of break up time data and velocity history data of stable fragments for acceleration induced breakup of liquid drop?
Please do advice me if you have experience on this.

I am simulating a droplet of water on a simple 2D pipe, with a ratio of 5:1 droplet diameter/pipe wide. I am using a VoF and patching the droplet near the inlet. The Weber number is about 30.
The droplet did manage to break up but the break up mode is no where near to resemble the break up in said paper.

I then read about the DPM method instead multiphase (VoF) where the 4 break model mentioned earlier was in the DPM documentation.
Am I wrong using the VoF instead of DPM?

However, the 4 break up modes are not the ones in the paper (or do they?), and is there away to implement the Pilch break up modes in fluent?

Please do advice me, I did some steady state simulation using complex mesh in undergrad but never transient nor multiphase in CFX, and I am using fluent for the first time for this grad school research.

Thank you for your kindness on any information.
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breakup, dpm, droplet, mulstiphase, pilch

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