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Influence of mesh density on laminar flow

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Old   June 9, 2014, 02:50
Default Influence of mesh density on laminar flow
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Micki Joe
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I have just started my journey with Fluent . Right now I'm fiddling with simple 2d pipe flow. I want to simulate laminar flow through the pipe and determine minimal density of mesh I need to achieve less then 1% mass difference at in and out of the pipe.

My settings are:
material : water
pipe : 2d rectangle 2000mm length, 100mm height
model : laminar
bc : velocity - inlet, outflow, wall
inlet velocity: 0.005 m/s
mesh: unstructured triangles

What I'm expecting is parabolic velocity profile at exit. With my settings I found that the flow should fully develop at around 3m pipe length. (L = 0.06*Re*D) but my profiles don't change from length around 1m so I set the length to 2m (I had problems with longer pipes)

So i made a set of meshes with increasing density. But during calculation of more finer meshes I noticed that my profiles change from "cute" parabolas to more of a turbulent flow profiles. I think pictures will show what I mean.

And my question: Why it is so that with the same settings but different mesh densities I get different profiles for laminar flow ?

Much thanks in advance for Your replays
Attached Images
File Type: jpg profiles_14k_cells.jpg (56.1 KB, 53 views)
File Type: jpg profiles_231k_cells.jpg (54.9 KB, 38 views)
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Old   June 16, 2014, 05:47
Timm Severin
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I have basically the same question, and can add that the same problem occurs for OpenFOAM, thus assuming it's a numerical problem rather than the software (which I had guessed anyway).

I'm still in the process of running simulations and generating profiles, and can attach them soon.

Rergarding your attached files: What is the difference between both pictures? Only the resolution of the profile?
PhD Student at the Institute of Biochemical Engineering at TU München
Modelling of fluid dynamics in open photobioreactors.

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Old   June 16, 2014, 09:53
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François Grégoire
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I don't have the answer but I think the modeling is not right:

- Modeling a 2D rectangle is like modeling a rectangular duct with infinite width. For a 2D circular pipe, you should model half of the pipe diameter, axisymmetric around pipe centerline. Bottom BC set to axis and top BC set to wall.

- you could try to impose fully developed profile at velocity-inlet (via a simple udf...)

- typical outlet BC is pressure-outlet, not outflow
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