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Modelling a River flow

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Old   May 26, 2014, 13:46
Default Modelling a River flow
New Member
anup radhakrishnan
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 24
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Hello everyone,

my problem looks kind of simple. I want to simulate the flow in a section of a river and see how the free surface behaves based on the water speed. I have a number of queries pertaining to the same.

a) Should I have separate inlets for air and water and use velocity inlet as the boundary condition? I do not want the air to move about.
b) Do I need to use VOF method for this? If so, should the boundary condition at inlet be mass flow ? And do I need two separate inlets?
c) What about the hydrostatic pressure? Is it related to the position of the reference pressure? And where do I specify it?

The reason why I have combined all these questions is that I have tried a number of cases with different boundary conditions and initializations but all in vain.

d) When we initialize the flow, I only want the water to have the initial speed and not the air. Which boundary should I opt under 'Compute From'?

e) The volume of fraction is defined as zero in the initialization page. I do the patching for the water region and set the volume fraction as 1. Is this the right approach?

f) If I need to initialize the water flow alone should I patch the velocity under 'Registers to patch' or 'Zones to patch'

I just wanted to make the problem very clear, hence the long question.

Please advise as I have been stuck on this for nearly a month!

Thanks a lot

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