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Very quick - Journal file command to save monitors

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Old   May 13, 2014, 13:41
Default Very quick - Journal file command to save monitors
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Join Date: Mar 2014
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lcaBR is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I'm making a journal file which simply perform some iterations and save some files. I'm monitoring two variables, mass flow through an outlet surface and maximum mach number in the domain. Could anyone tell me the command line to save these two output files (.out) into an specific folder? Fluent does not ask me the directory folder, only if I want to save a monitor or not. Where does it save it, and how to change this?

In Linux, the command to save data files is just
wd /home/folder_name

Something similar to monitors?

Also, is it possible to save residuals?

Appreciate the time!
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Old   May 14, 2014, 15:33
Join Date: Jul 2011
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villager is on a distinguished road
I can't find any way to change monitor settings after its creation.
So, the solution is to specify all settings at monitor creation. If you wanna change file/folder during calculation - you need to delete and create monitor once again.
To create monitor:
then follow questions in GUI and write your answers to your jou using "enter" or "whitespace" as delimeter.
When you are asked about "write file", answer "yes". Then your enter path to file. You could use 1) absolute path, e.g.
2) relative path (to the folder where FLUENT is currently - after reading case it is where case file is situated):
When your run FLUENT in terminal, you need to add at the end of startup line
1& > out.txt
then all information that usually is written in GUI window will be written to file. If you use queue on supercomputer/cluster - this is usually automatically done by queue (you receive log after calculation)
You could ever save your residuals to file! - start FLUENT with
-gu -driver null
in your command line. Then
/disp save-pic residuals.png
More info on topic. And in Mr. Bakker's beautiful notes.

Last edited by villager; May 17, 2014 at 11:48. Reason: Added code tags
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Old   October 18, 2022, 13:26
Default Export monitors files and .cdat files
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Join Date: Jul 2021
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IBC is on a distinguished road
Hi Villager - Im trying to do something similar. I created the report definitions and the file name using the GUI. I normally create a case file and import that to a supercomputer/cluster and run batch simulations. Then I use a batch script and this script for the commands (below) and convert it to the Linux language using "dos2unix".
file/read-case-data 03m_21000_result.cas.h5
solve/iterate 1
solve/set/time-step 0.01
solve/dual-time-iterate 9000 30
solve/execute-commands/enable command-1
solve/execute-commands/enable command-2

file/confirm-overwrite yes
I typed the command-1 and command-2 on my Fluent case using the execute commands window. They look like this:

file/write-data filename.dat
file/write-case filename.cas

The execute commands window allow me to specify the frequency to write the files every # time steps, # flow time, or # iterations.

Im trying to do something similar to save the report files and export files (cdat-for-cfd-post&-ensight). How can I create a command to save the report file (monitors files as .out or .txt) and the export files (.cdat) in the supercomputer/cluster? Should I write the command in the execute command window or should I write it in my run script? How do I specify that I want to save the file in the folder of the supercomputer/cluster?

I saw these commands but I dont know how to go from there.



As I mentioned, I already created the report definitions and the files using the GUI. I just need the commands to save the files using the execute commands window or my run script.

Thank you,
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