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How do I find convergence in ANSYS FLUENT?

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Old   April 14, 2014, 22:02
Default How do I find convergence in ANSYS FLUENT?
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Firstly, I am really new to the whole FLUENT software. I am used to running static structual problems on ANSYS.

I am simulating the sloshing of water inside a tank (similar to the one found on the ansys customer portal). The tank has got and horizontal acceleration on it for a set time then the acceleration is taken off.

I am trying to find convergence on my simulation. The problem is, that I am not sure what values I should be viewing/comparing to identify the point of convergence. I have been told previously that comparing the set of values given for the last time step (x, y and z) should be enough to find convergence but I am not too sure as I have been doing this and they are nowhere near each other

Furthermore, I am also confused about calculating the time step size and the courant number.

It would be much appreciated if I could get some guidance on identifying when or how convergence in met for the simulation.


p.s sorry if doesn't make sense, as I am so confused with it all and about to give up.
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convergence, fluent, mesh, sloshing

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