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Periodicity in wet clutch simulation

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Old   February 18, 2014, 11:33
Default Periodicity in wet clutch simulation
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Join Date: Feb 2014
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Tarin is on a distinguished road
Dear friends,

I’m trying to simulate a continuously slipping wet clutch to see the thermal evolution in the discs. Due to the thermal symmetry I can simulate only half of the friction disc rotating against half of a reaction plate which is stationary (I mean half in thickness).

I have defined the cell zone corresponding to the reaction plate as stationary while the cell zone corresponding to the friction disc is defined activating the Mesh Motion and defining a rotating speed.

The lining in the friction disc has radial grooving pattern. That means that when the clutch is closed and the friction disc is slipping against the reaction plate there will be zones where we will have solid-solid sliding while in the groove I will have fluid.

Concerning the interfaces I have the following: 1 interface for the reaction plate which I couple with the 2 interfaces of the friction disc (1 for the fluid in the groove and 1 for the rest, which will be solid-solid zones ). Then I generate volumetric heat source in a thin wall in the shadow face corresponding to the solid-solid region.

It seems to work OK when simulating the whole system but it is a rotational periodic geometry and I would like to simulate only a sector of the discs. The problem comes when defining the interfaces: This time I select the interface corresponding to the reaction plate and the interfaces corresponding to the friction disc and create the interface after activating “Periodic repeats”. In this moment a warning message appears saying that “there are no periodic zones touching the interface zone with id 13”

I think the reason is that there are surfaces (solid-solid or fluid) in the interface that do not touch periodic contours and that’s why I can’t do “Periodic Repeats”

And when initializing the solution an error appears: FLUENT received fatal signal (ACCESS_VIOLATION)

How can I solve it?????

Thank you in advance!!!!!
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Old   November 15, 2018, 10:36
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Join Date: Apr 2018
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jjcruzvillalta is on a distinguished road
Better late than never!!!

The solution to all your problems is to buy a new program called nCode. It is like magic. And its really really cheap.

Hope it was useful!!!
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clutch simulation, cooling, heat transfer, periodic condition, periodic motion

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