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Can we merge HPC Pack licenses?

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Old   January 24, 2014, 03:59
Question Can we merge HPC Pack licenses?
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Join Date: Jan 2014
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First of all I want to say that I'm an intern at a company and I know very few about FLUENT licensing system.

We want to buy a HPC cluster. Currently we have 2 HPC packs(providing 32 parallel runs as far as I know) in one of our departments and 1 HPC pack in another department. These departmens are in seperate places(nearly 40 km between them).
I don't know how this licensing works and how a license look like. How a license is provided when we buy it? Is it just a text file which contains something like key/serial or is it a specific file type? What is a base license and what does it provides? These were the questions to help me understand how licensing works.

My main question is about HPC packs. As far as I know, HPC packs' parallelism increases in multiples of 4. Like:
  • 1 HPC pack: 8 parallel
  • 2 HPC pack: 32 Parallel
  • 3 HPC pack: 128 Parallel
As we have 2 HPC pack in one department and 1 in another, can we merge them in a server in order to have 128 parallel runs. Is it possible to do it just like putting 3 files in same folder.
That's all I want to know.

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