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How do particle surface reactions work?

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Old   January 2, 2014, 19:30
Default How do particle surface reactions work?
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sebastian1430 is on a distinguished road
I've been reading a lot about DPM and particle surface reactions, but I can't figure out how does the reaction rate in Kg/s is used to report a reaction rate in Kgmol/m^3 s in the contours. I mean, in the UDF (DEFINE_PR_RATE) I impose a reaction rate of 1e-5 Kg/s, and then I'm sure fluent does something else with that reaction rate and the particles mass don't decrease 1e-5 Kg/s, and as I have different reactions, if I input the same rate, as example 1e-5 Kg/s, some rates are reported different in the contours. If someone understands how this works, please explain me. Thank you so much for your answer.
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define_pr_rate, dpm, fluent - udf, particle surface reaction, reactions

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