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transient pipe bend flow, laminar

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Old   December 30, 2013, 16:00
Default transient pipe bend flow, laminar
New Member
Enrico Pasquini
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Helloz CFD-ppl,

I just registered and I hope that I posted this in the correct sub-forum. If its not correct in here, it would be nice if you could shift it there. I am from Germany, so please excuse my poor English.

Im in the last steps of my master thesis and i need a "small" CFD-simulation to have a type of "back-up" to the theory i developed.

I have a 90° bend and i want to calculate the pressure rise due to a change in the volume flow.

I have little knowledge about setting up a transient simulation, so I really need your help.

The geometry consists of an inlet (to establish a fully developed velocity profile), the bend and an outlet of the same length like the inlet. The outlets end has the "pressure outlet" BC and the inlet has the "velocity inlet" BC. I want the velocity to change from velocity A in a certain time T to the velocity B (which is higher). Right now I entered this using an excel file, and it seems to converge for the diff. time steps.

My problem is: I want an XY-plot of the maximum (dyn.) pressure vs time for both the faces of the bend. For the steady case i can set this up (area-weighted values). But I dont know at all how (and WHERE!) to set this up for the unsteady case. I dont understand the data structure at all. I also want to see the contour plots with respect to time. Is there any functionality like setting a perspective/point of view up and pressing a "next time step" button to see the next time step? The XY-plot (plus its numerical values) are very important for me

Pls help^^

Greetings from Aachen,

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