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Using FLUENT transient data in CFD-Post

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Old   November 25, 2013, 10:56
Unhappy Using FLUENT transient data in CFD-Post
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Join Date: Nov 2013
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Hi All,

I am modelling blood through an aneurysm as a Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid to determine the differences in flow caused by altering the viscosity scheme. I have successfully run my simulations in steady state using FLUENT and analysing the results in CFD-Post, however I am having problems achieving the same for transient analysis.

Here's the problem:

When I run a transient simulation and drag my solution from the FLUENT component system to the CFD-Post component system in Workbench, CFD-Post will only allow me to see the data at the first or last timestep - when obviously I want to see the data at any timestep I select in between. I found a workaround by using the automatic export option in FLUENT, selecting the flow attributes I am interested in and exporting them in the CFD-Post friendly format. This allows me to pick the timestep I want in CFD-Post, but totally screws up all the data. For example, streamlines will no longer plot and I get frequent error messages, in some cases saying "velocity" is not available.

Can anyone provide advice on how to get FLUENT transient simulations to work with CFD-Post in the same way as FLUENT steady state simulations?

Thanks in advance
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cfd-post, cfx-post, fluent, transient, workbench

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