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Animating gas cloud using ISO surface

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Old   October 8, 2013, 10:57
Default Animating gas cloud using ISO surface
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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tarjeiba is on a distinguished road

I've set up a transient case with a time-dependent release of toxic gas. Further I want to animate the resulting cloud as it is carried with the wind using the surface of 1000 ppm gas concentration.

The case runs smoothly, put I have trouble automating a png dump of the view port (which also merely keeps showing the initial cloud during the simulation), and with updating the iso surface with each time step.

Can anyone please tell me how they have solved something like this?

I would prefer to get the actual three dimensional cloud showing in the final video, not just the iso-contours on the surfaces.

Thanks in advance,
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Old   October 9, 2013, 10:14
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tarjeiba is on a distinguished road
In case anyone else ever struggles with this, here's my tentative and far less than ideal solution:

1) Set up the case.
2) Establish an initial iso surface (i.e. there has to be at least some of the species in the domain).
3) Under Calculation Activities, create a macro that removes the initial iso surface, then create a new one. (This ensures that after each time step, only one such surface is in the case, and it'll keep having the same surface ID.)
4) Create another macro, this one's job is to update the display. (I did this by displaying the mesh under Graphics and Animations.)
5) Under Calcluation Activities, set up an animation sequence. (I chose simply to export the window as a ppm for each time step, more options for the post-processing would be available if a meta format was picked.)
6) Run the calculation.
Optional: 7) Realize you really, really need to learn how to work through the command line exclusively.

Other than going over to using commands rather than macro (which even neglects to be included in a saved .cas-file), I'd still greatly appreciate any help towards simplifying this process.
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Old   May 20, 2015, 04:46
Default Question about FLUENT
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innocentemy is on a distinguished road
Hi. Could anyone please help me? I want to get a 3D iso-surface similar to these movies that published in this group using FLUENT?
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