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Catalytic reaction, ratio of active to geometrical catalytic surface

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Old   September 29, 2013, 16:47
Default Catalytic reaction, ratio of active to geometrical catalytic surface
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Mohammad Ghazvini
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Dear all,

I'm trying to simulate H2/O2 catalytic reaction on Pt. I'm using Fluent coupled with Chemkin to do that. I can do it just fine and I get reasonable results. But when I want to compare it against the experiments, I need to take the experimentally measured active catalyst sites into account. It's done by multiplying an F factor to the calculated rate of reaction at the boundaries with a catalyst. Since I don't have access to the boundary equations and species equations, what is the best way to add the experiment/geometry ratio factor?

I was thinking of multiplying the rate constant by the factor to increase/reduce the rate of the reactions.

Thanks a lot
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Old   September 29, 2013, 17:01
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A-A Azarafza
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Originally Posted by mahmohammad View Post
Dear all,

I'm trying to simulate H2/O2 catalytic reaction on Pt. I'm using Fluent coupled with Chemkin to do that. I can do it just fine and I get reasonable results. But when I want to compare it against the experiments, I need to take the experimentally measured active catalyst sites into account. It's done by multiplying an F factor to the calculated rate of reaction at the boundaries with a catalyst. Since I don't have access to the boundary equations and species equations, what is the best way to add the experiment/geometry ratio factor?

I was thinking of multiplying the rate constant by the factor to increase/reduce the rate of the reactions.

Thanks a lot
Hi dude
If you mean to set the value for specific active area in surface reaction which has a unit (1/m), then you can access it from Cell zone condition/ (interest zone)/ reaction/ surface to volume ratio (1/m)
Hope it helps
Regard yours
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catalyst reaction surface, chemkin-cfd, fluent, heterogeneous reaction

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