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Aluminium Plate Heated by Solar Radiation

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Old   May 29, 2012, 14:45
Default Aluminium Plate Heated by Solar Radiation
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Join Date: May 2012
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Allankey is on a distinguished road
I am trying to model a solid aluminium plate that is heated by solar radiation and is cooled by a water pipe running along its length. The model consists of three domains, the air above the plate, the solid aluminium, and the water in the pipe. I meshed my model with the Ansys mesher as 1 part.

I am wondering if it is possible to achieve this simulation in fluent as I am getting some horrible back flow in both the water outlet and in the air domain. I am also unable to heat the solid using the solar load or DO irradiation models. I have the following questions:

1. Is it possible to set different initial values for each solid/fluid domain in fluent?

2. Is it possible to heat a solid using one of the radiation models and then remove this heat using another fluid?

3. Is the backflow problems a result of the boundary conditions I have specified? I am using a velocity inlet set at 1m/s for the air speed and my water speed is 0.1m/s. All the outlets are specified as pressure outlets. It seems that the solution converges through compensating the upper air domain with backflow in the lower water domain.

Many Thanks

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