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Old   April 22, 2012, 07:42
Default force monitors
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: seoul
Posts: 34
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fsifsi is on a distinguished road
I use the FLUENT 13 to simulate VAWT. The output required is torque, hence, I use the force monitors to checking the moment coefficient with flow time. I enable three options: print, plot, write to file. However, I did not get Cm-history file while I can have the the value of Cm (from print option) and graph of Cm (from plot option). What I need is the Cm-history file.
Could someone help me to handle it, please.
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Old   April 22, 2012, 19:45
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Originally Posted by fsifsi View Post
I use the FLUENT 13 to simulate VAWT. The output required is torque, hence, I use the force monitors to checking the moment coefficient with flow time. I enable three options: print, plot, write to file. However, I did not get Cm-history file while I can have the the value of Cm (from print option) and graph of Cm (from plot option). What I need is the Cm-history file.
Could someone help me to handle it, please.
I believe you have done everything correctly. Check again to make sure there are no errors. You should have a file with whatever name you decided to call it. It will be saved in the local working directory. If it is printing to console and showing up on the plot then it should also be outputting to file.

Are there any other errors? If fluent does not have write privileges in the local directory (it can happen) then it will not be able to write the output file. But I think that should have set off an error.

To double check that it is correctly outputting: If you close the case-data file and then reopen it at a later time and start iterating again, before it starts to iterate there should be a prompt asking you if you want to append to the previous data or overwrite. Are you getting this prompt?

If you do not get the prompt, the next thing to do would be to create any text file and save it with the exact same name as you named the output file. Store this file in the local working directory. Now when you go to iterate it should definitely prompt for append, because the file is definitely there (you just put it there).
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Old   April 24, 2012, 21:31
Default force monitor
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: seoul
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fsifsi is on a distinguished road
Thanks so much Lucky Tran
I found you said "It will be saved in the local working directory"...
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