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Old   April 8, 2012, 17:32
Default compile_udf
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Join Date: Mar 2012
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thuhangbk48 is on a distinguished road
Dear all,
As Mohsin and Maciek's advice, I tried to compile (GUI) by: installed Visual Studio and Set the correct environment variables. However, I can not run Fluent from Visual studio.
The path in my computer: C:\Program files\ANSYS Inc. The case & data and udf are placed in D.
I tried to run fluent by: all program/Microsoft visual studio/visual studio tools/visual studio command prompt. Then I typed Fluent or path, but it did not run! the error (it not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or bath file).
Did you have any experience in this problem? Please share to me?
I am looking forward your reply,
Kind regards,
Tran Hang
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Old   April 9, 2012, 08:56
Daniel Tanner
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It is unable to find the executable to launch fluent. This means that it is probably not set properly in environmental variables.
Right-click on "my computer" icon -> go to advanced tab, find the variable PATH. Check that this list contains the directory to the fluent executable.
You can find the directory by right-clinking on the fluent icon -> go to properties. Look at the target directory, this must be set in PATH.
On my computer this is H:\fluent\ANSYS Inc\v140\fluent\ntbin\ntx86\ (note that you leave out the fluent.exe part).
You can also try to navigate to this in command prompt.
Also you need to be careful as changes to the environmental variables only effect new command prompts that are opened (if you already have one open close it and open it again).

Let me know how it goes and good luck.
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Old   April 9, 2012, 12:31
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Join Date: Mar 2012
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thuhangbk48 is on a distinguished road
Dear Daniel Tanner,
Thank you so much. It is done! you help me to deal with the problem which I spent some sleepless night!
Best wishes for you
Originally Posted by Daniel Tanner View Post
It is unable to find the executable to launch fluent. This means that it is probably not set properly in environmental variables.
Right-click on "my computer" icon -> go to advanced tab, find the variable PATH. Check that this list contains the directory to the fluent executable.
You can find the directory by right-clinking on the fluent icon -> go to properties. Look at the target directory, this must be set in PATH.
On my computer this is H:\fluent\ANSYS Inc\v140\fluent\ntbin\ntx86\ (note that you leave out the fluent.exe part).
You can also try to navigate to this in command prompt.
Also you need to be careful as changes to the environmental variables only effect new command prompts that are opened (if you already have one open close it and open it again).

Let me know how it goes and good luck.
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