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help temperature profil

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Old   May 5, 2011, 06:14
Default help temperature profil
New Member
Join Date: May 2011
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bounhh is on a distinguished road
I want to introduce an array of temperature fonction of time as a boundary condition to simulate unsteady conduction problem by using udf
I try this udf
NNN time in hours
/************************************************** ********************
UDF for specifying a transient temperature profile boundary condition
TT temperature

************************************************** *********************/

#include "udf.h"

DEFINE_PROFILE(unsteady_TEMP, thread, position)
face_t f;
float t = CURRENT_TIME;
float TT[24];
int NNN;
int first = 1;

TT[1]=31.2 + 273.;
TT[2]=30.9 + 273.;
TT[3]=30.3 + 273.;
TT[4]=30. + 273.;
TT[5]=29.6 + 273.;
TT[6]=29.2 + 273.;
TT[7]=29.8 + 273.;
TT[8]=31.3 + 273.;
TT[9]=32.9 + 273.;
TT[10]=34.7 + 273.;
TT[11]=36.1 + 273.;
TT[12]=36.9 + 273.;
TT[13]=37.6 + 273.;
TT[14]=38.2 + 273.;
TT[15]=38.2 + 273.;
TT[16]=37.9 + 273.;
TT[17]=37.7 + 273.;
TT[18]=36.7 + 273.;
TT[19]=35.3 + 273.;
TT[20]=34.6 + 273.;
TT[21]=33.9 + 273.;
TT[22]=33.3 + 273.;
TT[23]=32.6 + 273.;
TT[24]=31.9 + 273.;

begin_f_loop(f, thread)

if (first == 1){
if(t < 3600.)

NNN = 1;
F_PROFILE(f, thread, position) = TT[NNN];

else if ((t == (NNN*3600.)) && (NNN <= 23) ){

F_PROFILE(f, thread, position) = TT[NNN];
printf("\n NNN=%d fprofil=%f t=%f\n",NNN,F_PROFILE(f, thread, position),t);

end_f_loop(f, thread)
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Old   May 5, 2011, 06:18
Default help temperature profil
New Member
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 12
Rep Power: 15
bounhh is on a distinguished road
I want to introduce an array of temperature fonction of time as a boundary condition to simulate unsteady conduction problem by using udf
I try this udf

/************************************************** ********************
UDF for specifying a transient temperature profile boundary condition
TT temperature
NNN time in hours
************************************************** *********************/

#include "udf.h"

DEFINE_PROFILE(unsteady_TEMP, thread, position)
face_t f;
float t = CURRENT_TIME;
float TT[24];
int NNN;
int first = 1;

TT[1]=31.2 + 273.;
TT[2]=30.9 + 273.;
TT[3]=30.3 + 273.;
TT[4]=30. + 273.;
TT[5]=29.6 + 273.;
TT[6]=29.2 + 273.;
TT[7]=29.8 + 273.;
TT[8]=31.3 + 273.;
TT[9]=32.9 + 273.;
TT[10]=34.7 + 273.;
TT[11]=36.1 + 273.;
TT[12]=36.9 + 273.;
TT[13]=37.6 + 273.;
TT[14]=38.2 + 273.;
TT[15]=38.2 + 273.;
TT[16]=37.9 + 273.;
TT[17]=37.7 + 273.;
TT[18]=36.7 + 273.;
TT[19]=35.3 + 273.;
TT[20]=34.6 + 273.;
TT[21]=33.9 + 273.;
TT[22]=33.3 + 273.;
TT[23]=32.6 + 273.;
TT[24]=31.9 + 273.;

begin_f_loop(f, thread)

if (first == 1){
if(t < 3600.)

NNN = 1;
F_PROFILE(f, thread, position) = TT[NNN];

else if ((t == (NNN*3600.)) & (NNN <= 23) ){

F_PROFILE(f, thread, position) = TT[NNN];
printf("\n NNN=%d fprofil=%f t=%f\n",NNN,F_PROFILE(f, thread, position),t);

end_f_loop(f, thread)
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Old   May 5, 2011, 08:51
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Slovakia
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argeus is on a distinguished road
Hi, try this. Not sure if it is OK.

DEFINE_PROFILE(unsteady_TEMP, thread, position)
real x[ND_ND];
real y;
face_t f;

float TT[24];
int NNN;
float time;

TT[1]=31.2 + 273.;
TT[2]=30.9 + 273.;
TT[3]=30.3 + 273.;
TT[4]=30. + 273.;
TT[5]=29.6 + 273.;
TT[6]=29.2 + 273.;
TT[7]=29.8 + 273.;
TT[8]=31.3 + 273.;
TT[9]=32.9 + 273.;
TT[10]=34.7 + 273.;
TT[11]=36.1 + 273.;
TT[12]=36.9 + 273.;
TT[13]=37.6 + 273.;
TT[14]=38.2 + 273.;
TT[15]=38.2 + 273.;
TT[16]=37.9 + 273.;
TT[17]=37.7 + 273.;
TT[18]=36.7 + 273.;
TT[19]=35.3 + 273.;
TT[20]=34.6 + 273.;
TT[21]=33.9 + 273.;
TT[22]=33.3 + 273.;
TT[23]=32.6 + 273.;
TT[24]=31.9 + 273.;

begin_f_loop(f, thread)
F_CENTROID(x, f, thread);
y = x[1];

time = CURRENT_TIME/3600;

if (time>=24.) // you need to fix it
else if (time >= 23.)
else if (time >= 22.)
//and so on

F_PROFILE(f, thread, position) = TT[NNN];

another way Im not sure if it is possible is to declare variable NNN as integer and set NNN=CURRENT_TIME/3600; (and take care about NNN=0)
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Old   May 5, 2011, 12:12
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Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 12
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bounhh is on a distinguished road
It’s very good idea
Thank you very much
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