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Isolate Cells in Layers Based on Height (FLUENT UDF)

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Old   August 8, 2024, 13:34
Default Isolate Cells in Layers Based on Height (FLUENT UDF)
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Baptiste Oudon
Join Date: Dec 2023
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Good evening, everyone.

I'm currently working on a UDF in ANSYS Fluent to calculate the Longitudinal Length Scale of turbulence, L_{11} . I'm using the direct integration of correlation functions, which is expressed as:

\rho^x_u(\Delta x, y_j)=\frac{\overline{ u'_1(x; y_j) \cdot u'_1(x + \Delta x; y_j) }}{ \overline{u'_1(x; y_j)^2}}

L_{11}=\frac{\sum_{j=1}^{N_y}\rho^x_u(\Delta x, y_j)} {N_y}

Here, u'_1 is the longitudinal fluctuating velocity, \Delta x is the grid spacing along the x-axis, and y_j represents the y-coordinate level at a constant j for j \in [y_{\text{min}} , y_{\text{max}}] . In other word y_j corespond to every layer of cells in the y directions. With a number of layer j=1,2,...,N_y

The direct integration of correlation functions involves integrating u'_1(x) \cdot u'_1(x + \Delta x) for each layer of y-cells and I already have every value for u'_1(x) and u'_1(x + \Delta x)

So I need to isolate each cell based on its y-layer within a UDF. But am having trouble finding an efficient method to do this. Do you have any ideas on how I can achieve this effectively?

My mesh is structural with inflation layer.

Thanks for the help.
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Old   August 9, 2024, 08:56
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Baptiste Oudon
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I am also considering integrating over a sphere of radius L, where L is the turbulent length scale.

\rho^r_u(\Delta r, y_j) = \frac{\overline{ u'_1(r; y_j) \cdot u'_1(r + \Delta r; y_j) }}{ \overline{u'_1(r; y_j)^2}}

L_{11} = \frac{\sum_{j=1}^{N_y} \rho^r_u(\Delta r, y_j)}{N_y}

Using this method, I would need to isolate all cells within a sphere of radius L and r + \Delta r. Do you have any ideas on how I can efficiently do this?

I was thinking of using a Boolean operation where the volume of the sphere at the current centroid point intersects the cells in the volume d inside the `get_domain` function. However, I’m having trouble finding an efficient way to implement this. If you have any suggestions, I would really appreciate it.
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Old   August 23, 2024, 03:56
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tomsjerry is on a distinguished road
I'm having a similar issue, could you please share your workaround?
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