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UDF-Calculation regression rate_DEFINE_ADJUST error

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Old   July 9, 2024, 23:50
Default UDF-Calculation regression rate_DEFINE_ADJUST error
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EunChong Kim
Join Date: Jan 2024
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Hello! I am currently trying to simulate the pyrolysis of solid fuel using UDF. The surface of the solid fuel is set as a wall, and the regression rate is calculated in the cell zone right above it. Afterward, the corresponding species is injected through the source term based on the regression rate.

When I initialize and press Calculate with the code below, the following error occurs.

Process 35236: received signal sigsegv

Could you suggest any solutions or provide your opinion on how to resolve this issue?

real calculate_regression_rate(cell_t c, Thread* t) {
real Ts = C_T(c, t); // Temperature of the cell
real Cp = C_CP(c, t); // Specific heat of the cell
real k = C_K_L(c, t); // Thermal conductivity of the cell
real grad_T = C_T_G(c, t)[1]; // Temperature gradient of the cell[y]
real Q_conv = -k * grad_T; // Convective heat flux

real Hv, Told_s, Tnew_s, error, rdot;
int iter;

Told_s = Ts;
iter = 0;
error = 1.0;

while (error > TOL && iter < MAX_ITER) { // Iterative loop
Hv = Delta_H_f - Delta_H_H + Cp * (Told_s - Tref); // Calculate Hv
rdot = Q_conv / (Hv + rho); // Calculate rdot
Tnew_s = Ea / (Ru * (log(A) - log(rdot))); // Calculate Tnew_s
error = fabs(Tnew_s - Told_s); // Calculate error
Told_s = Tnew_s; // Update Told_s
iter++; // Increase iteration count

Ts = Tnew_s + 0.1 * (Tnew_s - Ts); // Update Ts
rdot = Q_conv / (Hv + rho); // Final rdot calculation
return rdot; // Return rdot

// Calculate and store regression rate for all cells
DEFINE_ADJUST(store_regression_rate, domain) {
Thread* t;
cell_t c;
real rdot;
int cell_zone_id = 6; // Specific cell zone ID

t = Lookup_Thread(domain, cell_zone_id); // Find the specific cell zone

begin_c_loop(c, t) { // Loop through all cells in the cell zone
rdot = calculate_regression_rate(c, t); // Calculate regression rate
C_UDMI(c, t, 0) = rdot; // Store regression rate in UDM
end_c_loop(c, t);
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define_adjust, define_source udf, udf

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