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UDF for 3D Dissolved Oxygen Model

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Old   April 30, 2024, 03:52
Default UDF for 3D Dissolved Oxygen Model
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Hello everyone,

I'm currently trying to do a 3D transient simulation to determine dissolved oxygen concentration in a pond. I'm using an impeller to create circulation in the pond. There are two cell zone, one is a rotating body containing the impeller and the other one is a stationary body containing the rest of the pond.

I'm using UDF to model the dissolved oxygen. The UDF is as follows:

#include "udf.h"

#define Cs 0.0085
#define C_initial 0.003
#define a 22.34

DEFINE_SOURCE(mass_source1, c, t, dS, eqn)
real S, C;
real time = CURRENT_TIME;

S = a * (Cs - C_initial);

S *= exp(-0.1 * time);

C = C_initial + (Cs - C_initial) * (1 - exp(-a * time));

if (C >= Cs) {
C = Cs;
S = 0.0;

C_UDSI(c, t, 0) = C;

dS[eqn] = 0.0;
return S;

I've added this to the Mass source term in both fluid zones

After running the simulation, the results I obtained indicated that the dissolved oxygen model did not follow the flow of water in the pond. Instead, it radiated from the rotating body very slowly.

Velocity contour:

Dissolved oxygen contour:

I've looked into the mass source term documentation and it says the mass will be accelerated by the flow. What I want is for the dissolved oxygen to follow the flow of the water so I can find out the effects of different types of impellers to the dissolved oxygen concentration in the pond. What am I doing wrong here? Is my UDF wrong or do I need to add something else? As I am new to Ansys and UDF, any pointer or help would be highly appreciated. Thank you
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dissolved oxygen, udf and programming

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