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error LNK2019:

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Old   January 24, 2024, 07:51
Default error LNK2019:
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Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 9
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aminalaouti is on a distinguished road
hi users,
I'm desperate to compile my udf but without success always the same error that appears:
error LNK2019: external symbol not resolved locate reference in TABLE function.
i've consulted all the messages on the forum concerning this error and i've tried all the suggestions but without success.
this is my udf i hope that someone can help me!!

#include "udf.h"
#define N 2
#define Cmin 3e-5
#define Cmax 60
#define T0 555
double F, x, P;
double Tg, Tb,Y;
#define P 1
Thread* ct;
cell_t c;

void locate(double xx[], int n, double x, int jj);

int i, ii, jj,j, k, l, m,n,P1;

double F_table[N+1], Cabs[N+1], Cref[N+1], Fdata1[2], Fdata2[2], Ctab[71], C[71],PPP[10];
for (i = 0; i < N + 1; i++)
ii = i;
Cabs[i] = Cmin * pow((Cmax / Cmin), (ii / (N)));
Cref[i] = Cabs[i];

for (i = 0; i < 71; i++)
ii = i;
Ctab[i] = Cmin * pow((Cmax / Cmin), (ii / (70)));
C[i] = Ctab[i];

double TABLE(cell_t c, Thread* t, double Cabs, double Tg, double Tb,double Y, int P1,double Ctab[], double Fdata1[], double Fdata2[])


double T[28], Fint[16], YY[9], PP[10], PPP[10];

Tb = C_T(c,t);
Tg = 555;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////a verifier
Y = C_YI(c, t, 1);

// Put values in range if they are out of bounds
if (Cabs< C[0]) Cabs= C[0];
if (Cabs> C[70]) Cabs = C[70];
if (Tg < 300) Tg = 300;
if (Tg > 3000) Tg = 3000;
if (Tb < 300) Tb = 300;
if (Tb > 3000) Tb = 3000;
// Set temperature values
T[0] = 300;
for (i = 1; i < 28; i++)
T[i] = T[i - 1] + 100;

// Set pressure values
PPP[0] = 0.1; PPP[1] = 0.25; PPP[2] = 0.5; PPP[3] = 1; PPP[4] = 2;
PPP[5] = 4; PPP[6] = 8; PPP[7] = 15; PPP[8] = 30; PPP[9] = 50;

PP[0] = 0.1; PP[1] = 0.25; PP[2] = 0.5; PP[3] = 1; PP[4] = 2;
PP[5] = 4; PP[6] = 8; PP[7] = 15; PP[8] = 30; PP[9] = 50;

YY[0] = 0; YY[1] = 0.05; YY[2] = 0.1; YY[3] = 0.2; YY[4] = 0.3;
YY[5] = 0.4; YY[6] = 0.6; YY[7] = 0.8; YY[8] = 1;

// Find location of Tg, Tb, and C

locate (PPP, 9, P, P1);
locate(T, 27, Tg, m);
locate(T, 27, Tb, l);
locate(Ctab, 70, Cabs,k);
locate(YY, 8, Y, j);

i = j * 55664 + m * 1988 + l * 71 + k;
// Interpolate in P
Fint[0] = Fdata1[i] + (Fdata2[i] - Fdata1[i]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[1] = Fdata1[i + 55664] + (Fdata2[i + 55664] - Fdata1[i + 55664]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[2] = Fdata1[i + 1] + (Fdata2[i + 1] - Fdata1[i + 1]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[3] = Fdata1[i + 55665] + (Fdata2[i + 55665] - Fdata1[i + 55665]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[4] = Fdata1[i + 71] + (Fdata2[i + 71] - Fdata1[i + 71]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[5] = Fdata1[i + 55735] + (Fdata2[i + 55735] - Fdata1[i + 55735]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[6] = Fdata1[i + 72] + (Fdata2[i + 72] - Fdata1[i + 72]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[7] = Fdata1[i + 55736] + (Fdata2[i + 55736] - Fdata1[i + 55736]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[8] = Fdata1[i + 1988] + (Fdata2[i + 1988] - Fdata1[i + 1988]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[9] = Fdata1[i + 57652] + (Fdata2[i + 57652] - Fdata1[i + 57652]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[10] = Fdata1[i + 1989] + (Fdata2[i + 1989] - Fdata1[i + 1989]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[11] = Fdata1[i + 57653] + (Fdata2[i + 57653] - Fdata1[i + 57653]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[12] = Fdata1[i + 2059] + (Fdata2[i + 2059] - Fdata1[i + 2059]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[13] = Fdata1[i + 57723] + (Fdata2[i + 57723] - Fdata1[i + 57723]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[14] = Fdata1[i + 2060] + (Fdata2[i + 2060] - Fdata1[i + 2060]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
Fint[15] = Fdata1[i + 57724] + (Fdata2[i + 57724] - Fdata1[i + 57724]) * (P - PP[P1]) / (PP[P1 + 1] - PP[P1]);
// Interpolate in Y
Fint[0] = Fint[0] + (Fint[1] - Fint[0]) * (Y - YY[j]) / (YY[j + 1] - YY[j]);
Fint[1] = Fint[2] + (Fint[3] - Fint[2]) * (Y - YY[j]) / (YY[j + 1] - YY[j]);
Fint[2] = Fint[4] + (Fint[5] - Fint[4]) * (Y - YY[j]) / (YY[j + 1] - YY[j]);
Fint[3] = Fint[6] + (Fint[7] - Fint[6]) * (Y - YY[j]) / (YY[j + 1] - YY[j]);
Fint[4] = Fint[8] + (Fint[9] - Fint[8]) * (Y - YY[j]) / (YY[j + 1] - YY[j]);
Fint[5] = Fint[10] + (Fint[11] - Fint[10]) * (Y - YY[j]) / (YY[j + 1] - YY[j]);
Fint[6] = Fint[12] + (Fint[13] - Fint[12]) * (Y - YY[j]) / (YY[j + 1] - YY[j]);
Fint[7] = Fint[14] + (Fint[15] - Fint[14]) * (Y - YY[j]) / (YY[j + 1] - YY[j]);
// Interpolate in C

Fint[0] = Fint[0] + (Fint[1] - Fint[0]) * (Cabs - Ctab[k]) / (Ctab[k + 1] - Ctab[k]);
Fint[1] = Fint[2] + (Fint[3] - Fint[2]) * (Cabs- Ctab[k]) / (Ctab[k + 1] - Ctab[k]);
Fint[2] = Fint[4] + (Fint[5] - Fint[4]) * (Cabs- Ctab[k]) / (Ctab[k + 1] - Ctab[k]);
Fint[3] = Fint[6] + (Fint[7] - Fint[6]) * (Cabs- Ctab[k]) / (Ctab[k + 1] - Ctab[k]);

// Interpolate in Tb
Fint[0] = Fint[0] + (Fint[1] - Fint[0]) * (Tb - T[l]) / (T[l + 1] - T[l]);
Fint[1] = Fint[2] + (Fint[3] - Fint[2]) * (Tb - T[l]) / (T[l + 1] - T[l]);
// Interpolate in Tg
F = Fint[0] + (Fint[1] - Fint[0]) * (Tg - T[m]) / (T[m + 1] - T[m]);

return F;


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