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UDF loop problems

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Old   December 25, 2023, 12:44
Default UDF loop problems
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Join Date: Dec 2023
Posts: 3
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tsuman is on a distinguished road

I am working on coal combustion simulation, so I use the UDF below to calculate the p_comb_totals[c] / particle_counts[c], but it shows that there is no particle in injections, Please tell what it's wrong with my UDF

Thanks for your help

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________
Domain *d;
Thread *t;
cell_t c;
Particle *p;
d = Get_Domain(1);

Injection *I;
Injection *Ilist;
int *particle_counts;
real *p_comb_totals;
int nCells = 0;

Ilist = Get_dpm_injections();

int nInjections = 0, nParticles = 0;
loop(I, Ilist)
nParticles = 0;

loop(p, I->p)
Message("Injection %d has %d particles.\n", nInjections, nParticles);
Message("Total number of injections: %d\n", nInjections);

real Mw_O2 = 32e-3; // kg/mol
real Mw_CO2 = 44e-3; // kg/mol
real Mw_H2O = 18e-3; // kg/mol

Message("Determining the number of cells...\n");

thread_loop_c(t, d)
begin_c_loop(c, t)
end_c_loop(c, t)

Message("Total number of cells: %d\n", nCells);

particle_counts = (int *)calloc(nCells, sizeof(int));
p_comb_totals = (real *)calloc(nCells, sizeof(real));

Message("Processing particles...\n");

loop(I, Ilist)

loop(p, I->p)

c = P_CELL(p);

real rho_gas = C_R(c, t);
real T_gas = C_T(c, t);
real Y_O2 = C_YI(c, t, 1);
real Y_CO2 = C_YI(c, t, 5);
real Y_H2O = C_YI(c, t, 0);

real T_p = P_T(p);
real d_p = P_DIAM(p);
real A_p = M_PI * d_p * d_p;

real D_O2 = C1 * pow((T_p + T_gas) / 2, 0.75) / d_p;
real D_CO2 = C1 * pow((T_p + T_gas) / 2, 0.75) / d_p;
real D_H2O = C1 * pow((T_p + T_gas) / 2, 0.75) / d_p;

real Rk_O2 = C2_O2 * exp(-E_O2 / (R * T_p));
real Rk_CO2 = C2_CO2 * exp(-E_CO2 / (R * T_p));
real Rk_H2O = C2_H2O * exp(-E_H2O / (R * T_p));

real k_O2 = -A_p * rho_gas * R * T_gas * Y_O2 * D_O2 * Rk_O2 / (Mw_O2 * (D_O2 + Rk_O2));
real k_CO2 = -A_p * rho_gas * R * T_gas * Y_CO2 * D_CO2 * Rk_CO2 / (Mw_CO2 * (D_CO2 + Rk_CO2));
real k_H2O = -A_p * rho_gas * R * T_gas * Y_H2O * D_H2O * Rk_H2O / (Mw_H2O * (D_H2O + Rk_H2O));

real p_comb = k_O2 / (k_O2 + k_CO2 + k_H2O);

p_comb_totals[c] += p_comb;

thread_loop_c(t, d)
begin_c_loop(c, t)
if (particle_counts[c] > 0)
C_UDMI(c, t, 0) = p_comb_totals[c] / particle_counts[c];
C_UDMI(c, t, 0) = 0.0;
end_c_loop(c, t)


Message("DEFINE_ON_DEMAND Success\n");

Last edited by tsuman; December 26, 2023 at 23:01.
tsuman is offline   Reply With Quote


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