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temperature difference from different zones using UDF

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Old   May 18, 2023, 09:45
Post temperature difference from different zones using UDF
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Join Date: Sep 2022
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Selawe97 is on a distinguished road
Hello Dears,

My problem is I am using a UDF code to collect temperature values at different cell zones (solid region and fluid region). I am saving temperature values in arrays (as shown in the code) by looping over them and using them later to get the temperature difference to use it in a formula for the fluid cell zone.

in (c0_array[n]) and (c1_array[n]) the data was saved as I want in the first two loops


, and they saved correctly, but when I loop them inside the third loop

(begin_c_loop(c, t))
to receive the data saved in the first two loops the values of (c0_array[n]) in the third loop are saved correctly as I want, but for (c1_array[n]) the data became chaotic and disorganized! so why do I get something like that?

knowing both zones are coincided and have the same number of cells. and I have to use the define profile macro.

#include "udf.h"
#include "mem.h"

DEFINE_PROFILE(HTC, t, position) 
    Domain* domain = Get_Domain(1);
    Thread* ft1 = Lookup_Thread(domain, 2);
    Thread* ft2 = Lookup_Thread(domain, 4);
    cell_t c, c01, c02;
    Thread* t01, t02;
    int n;
    real c0_array[10000], c1_array[10000];

    n = 0;
    begin_c_loop(c01, ft1) 
        C_UDMI(c01, ft1, 0) = C_T(c01, ft1);
        c0_array[n] = C_T(c01, ft1);
		C_UDMI(c01, ft1, 1) = c0_array[n];
    end_c_loop(c01, ft1)

    n = 0;
    begin_c_loop(c02, ft2) 
        C_UDMI(c02, ft2, 2) = C_T(c02, ft2);
        c1_array[n] = C_T(c02, ft2);
		C_UDMI(c02, ft2, 3) = c1_array[n];
    end_c_loop(c02, ft2)

    n = 0;
    begin_c_loop(c, t)
        C_UDMI(c, t, 4) = c0_array[n]; // or C_UDMI(c,t,2)= c0_array[n] - c1_array[n]; 
        C_UDMI(c, t, 5) = c1_array[n];

        C_PROFILE(c, t, position) = C_UDMI(c, t, 4)-C_UDMI(c, t, 5);
        C_UDMI(c, t, 6) = C_PROFILE(c, t, position);
    end_c_loop(c, t)
Your help is appreciated,
Selawe97 is offline   Reply With Quote


array, cell zones, collect data, temperature difference

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