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UDF resulting in slower temperature and mass source the more cores i use

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Old   February 27, 2023, 10:19
Default UDF resulting in slower temperature and mass source the more cores i use
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tavinho12345 is on a distinguished road

My energy and mass source descibed by my UDF bellow has the porblem described in the title which is a slower heating up and masss creation process the more cores i use. And i cannot discover what is wrong with my paralelization code.

I am modelling the heat up process of a cylinder and alpha is reaction degree and dalpha is the reaction rate.

#include "udf.h"
#include <math.h>
real dalpha;
real alpha;
real m_source;
real e_source;
real T_cell;
real dalpha1;
real dalpha2;
real dalpha3;
real dalpha4;
real n;

DEFINE_INIT(start_alpha, d)
alpha = 0;
dalpha = 0;
T_cell = 430;
n = 0;

int ID = 65; /*this is the ID of the face that I want to get the temperature from*/
Thread *t;
cell_t c;
int zone_ID;

t = Lookup_Thread(d, ID);

#if !RP_HOST
begin_c_loop_int(c, t)
C_UDMI(c, t, 0) = 0;
C_UDMI(c, t, 1) = 0;

end_c_loop_int(c, t)


Message("degree of conversion: %g\n", alpha);
Message("rate of conversion : %g\n", dalpha);


/*Domain *d;*/

#if !RP_HOST /* Compile this section for computing processes only (serial
and node) since these variables are not available
on the host */

int ID = 65; /*this is the ID of the face that I want to get the temperature from*/
Thread *t;
cell_t c;

int zone_ID;
t = Lookup_Thread(d, ID);

begin_c_loop_int(c, t)
C_UDMI(c, t, 0) = alpha;
C_UDMI(c, t, 1) = dalpha;
end_c_loop_int(c, t)



/*data recovery*/

alpha = 0.00580686;
dalpha = 0.000646044;


Message("degree of conversion: %g\n", alpha);
Message("rate of conversion : %g\n", dalpha);




#if !RP_HOST /* Compile this section for computing processes only (serial
and node) since these variables are not available
on the host */

int ID = 65; /*this is the ID of the cell region that I want to get the temperature from*/
Thread *t;
Domain *d;
cell_t c;

real temper = 0.0;
real totvol = 0.0;
real dT_cell;
real al1;
real al2;
real al3;
real al4;
real T1;
real T2;
real T3;
real T4;
real dT2;
real dT3;
real dT4;
real time;

d = Get_Domain(1);

int zone_ID;

t = Lookup_Thread(d, ID);


begin_c_loop_int(c, t)
totvol += C_VOLUME(c, t);
temper += C_T(c, t)*C_VOLUME(c, t);
end_c_loop_int(c, t)


totvol = PRF_GRSUM1(totvol);
temper = PRF_GRSUM1(temper);
T_cell = temper / totvol;



#if !RP_HOST

/*K1 e L1*/
dalpha1 = pow((1 - alpha), (0.25))*5.76e18 * exp(-1.83e5 / (8.314 * T_cell))*exp(-27.5*(alpha));

dT_cell = (1960000000 * dalpha1) / (2750 * 1000);

al1 = alpha + dalpha1*0.5*time;

T1 = T_cell + dT_cell*0.5*time;

/*K2 e L2*/

dalpha2 = pow((1 - al1), (0.25))*5.76e18 * exp(-1.83e5 / (8.314 * T1))*exp(-27.5*(al1));

dT2 = (1960000000 * dalpha2) / (2750 * 1000);

al2 = alpha + dalpha2*0.5*time;

T2 = T_cell + dT2*0.5*time;

/*K3 e L3*/

dalpha3 = pow((1 - al2), (0.25))*5.76e18 * exp(-1.83e5 / (8.314 * T2))*exp(-27.5*(al2));

dT3 = (1960000000 * dalpha3) / (2750 * 1000);

al3 = alpha + dalpha3*time;

T3 = T_cell + dT3*time;

/*K4 e L4*/

dalpha4 = pow((1 - al3), (0.25))*5.76e18 * exp(-1.83e5 / (8.314 * T3))*exp(-27.5*(al3));

dT4 = (1960000000 * dalpha4) / (2750 * 1000);

al4 = alpha + dalpha4*time;

T4 = T_cell + dT4*time;


dalpha = (dalpha1 + 2 * (dalpha2 + dalpha3) + dalpha4) / 6;

dalpha = PRF_GRHIGH1(dalpha);

if (dalpha>0.35)
dalpha = 0.35;

alpha += dalpha*time;

alpha = PRF_GRHIGH1(alpha);


node_to_host_real_3(T_cell, alpha, dalpha);


Message("temp = %g\n", T_cell);
Message("degree of conversion: %g\n", alpha);
Message("rate of conversion : %g\n", dalpha);
Message("massource = %g\n", m_source);
Message("energysource = %g\n", e_source);


n = 0;


host_to_node_real_2(alpha, dalpha);


DEFINE_SOURCE(heat_source, c, t, dS, eqn)

real x[ND_ND];
C_CENTROID(x, c, t);
dS[eqn] = 0;
e_source = 1.96e9 * dalpha;

return e_source;


DEFINE_SOURCE(mass_source, c, t, dS, eqn)

real x[ND_ND];
C_CENTROID(x, c, t);
dS[eqn] = 0;
m_source = 0.436e3 * dalpha;

if (n < 1) {
Message("mass-source = %g\n", m_source);
n += 1;

return m_source;

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Old   March 6, 2023, 12:06
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Join Date: Jan 2023
Posts: 2
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tavinho12345 is on a distinguished road
I have solved my problem even though the solution is still confusing.
If i make the convergence criteria stricter, the source terms come back to normal due to the extra iterations.

But still, the number of processors should not intefere with the results of the simulation

Anyway if anyone is having a similar trouble that is how i solved my case
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