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Bypass "proceed after mesh manipulation" warning.

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Old   December 30, 2022, 06:37
Default Bypass "proceed after mesh manipulation" warning.
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 59
Rep Power: 6
Siba11 is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone.
I'm trying to automate my fluent simulation using a scheme script. Apparently, for each button (or icon) that appears on the screen, there is a corresponding TUI command for it.
For instance, if you type the following command in the fluent console, it will start the calculation process:

(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "Run Calculation*Table1*Table6(Solution Advancement)*Table1*PushButton1(Calculate)")
Alternatively, you can just mouse-click on the 'calculate' icon to start the calculation. So, coming to the actual problem: I have a simulation setup, where mesh cells will be separated and deactivated at each time step. The commands for separating the cells are :

(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "Ribbon*Frame1*Frame2(Domain)*Table1*Table3(Zones)*PushButton2(Separate)")
(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "MenuBar*PopupMenuSeparate*Cells...")
(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "Separate Cell Zones*PanelButtons*PushButton1(OK)")
(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "Warning*PanelButtons*PushButton1(OK)")
(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "Separate Cell Zones*PanelButtons*PushButton2(Cancel)"))
However, as soon as I type in the 3rd line, a warning dialog box appears on the screen (image attached below), which requires manual intervention. I cannot find any TUI command for it, and this is preventing me from automating the process in its entirety.

Is there any way that I can bypass this warning, or maybe handle it through a TUI command that I can incorporate in my scheme script?

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Old   December 30, 2022, 12:20
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 59
Rep Power: 6
Siba11 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Siba11 View Post
Hi everyone.
I'm trying to automate my fluent simulation using a scheme script. Apparently, for each button (or icon) that appears on the screen, there is a corresponding TUI command for it.
For instance, if you type the following command in the fluent console, it will start the calculation process:

(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "Run Calculation*Table1*Table6(Solution Advancement)*Table1*PushButton1(Calculate)")
Alternatively, you can just mouse-click on the 'calculate' icon to start the calculation. So, coming to the actual problem: I have a simulation setup, where mesh cells will be separated and deactivated at each time step. The commands for separating the cells are :

(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "Ribbon*Frame1*Frame2(Domain)*Table1*Table3(Zones)*PushButton2(Separate)")
(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "MenuBar*PopupMenuSeparate*Cells...")
(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "Separate Cell Zones*PanelButtons*PushButton1(OK)")
(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "Warning*PanelButtons*PushButton1(OK)")
(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "Separate Cell Zones*PanelButtons*PushButton2(Cancel)"))
However, as soon as I type in the 3rd line, a warning dialog box appears on the screen (image attached below), which requires manual intervention. I cannot find any TUI command for it, and this is preventing me from automating the process in its entirety.

Is there any way that I can bypass this warning, or maybe handle it through a TUI command that I can incorporate in my scheme script?

Hi, I found a solution to this problem.

Instead of typing in those 5 lines for performing cell separation, one can just use this command:

(ti-menu-load-string "/mesh/modify-zones/sep-cell-zone-mark fluid \"field_value_0\" yes c activate-all")
It will automatically separate the cells without showing any warning.
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