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UDF to change angular velocity after every timestep based on the previous value

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Old   November 9, 2022, 08:13
Default UDF to change angular velocity after every timestep based on the previous value
New Member
Join Date: Jul 2019
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usr0830 is on a distinguished road
I am trying to run a simulation where the angular velocity of a dynamic mesh zone changes every time step based on this equation of motion where moment_z is the moment on the two aerofoils defined as one wall.

omega_prev + = ((1/I) * (moment_z - (alpha * omega_prev)))
When I set up the dynamic mesh with the udf, the initialisation returns an "All compute processes received SIGFPE." error. I am not sure what the cause of this error is. Could someone more knowledgeable please help me solve this?

This is the UDF I am using:

#include "udf.h"
real current_dt;
real omega_old;
real omega_new;
real moment_z;
static I = 0.0275; /* Moment of inertia */
static alpha = 0.00626;
static real omega_prev = 0.0;
DEFINE_CG_MOTION (rotational_motion1, dt, vel, omega, time, dtime)
#if !RP_HOST
current_dt = RP_Get_Integer("time-step");
if (current_dt ==1)
omega_prev = -128;
omega_prev = omega[2];
Message("Omega_old1 is %g",omega_prev);
Domain *d =Get_Domain(1);
Thread *t_object = Lookup_Thread(d, 2);
real moment [ND_ND], cg[ND_ND], force [ND_ND];
Compute_Force_And_Moment(d, t_object, cg, force, moment, TRUE);
moment_z= moment [2]; 
/* Equation of motion */
omega_prev += ((1/I) * (moment_z - (alpha * omega_prev)));
Message("Omega_new1 is %g",omega_prev);
omega[2] = omega_prev;
Thank you!
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Old   November 10, 2022, 01:43
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AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
show compilation log
best regards

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Old   November 11, 2022, 06:48
Default Compilation log
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Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 14
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usr0830 is on a distinguished road
Dear Alexander,
Thank you for your response. Here is the compilation log for the udf.

for d in lnamd64/[23]*; do \
  ( \
    cd $d; \
	rm -rf *.{c,h,cpp,hpp}; \
    for f in ../../src/*.{c,h,cpp,hpp} ../../src/makefile ../../src/user.udf; do \
      if [ -f $f -a ! -f `basename $f` ]; then \
        echo "# linking to" $f "in" $d; \
        ln -s $f .; \
      fi; \
    done; \
    echo ""; \
    echo "# building library in" $d; \
    if [ "" = "1" ]; then \
	echo "# using gcc64"; \
	make ARCHC=gcc64 -k>makelog 2>&1; \
    else \
	if [ "" = "1" ]; then \
		echo "# using gcc"; \
		make ARCHC=gcc -k>makelog 2>&1; \
	else \
		make -k>makelog 2>&1; \
	fi; \
    cat makelog; \
  ) \
# linking to ../../src/rotCG_motion1.c in lnamd64/2ddp_host
# linking to ../../src/rotCG_motion2.c in lnamd64/2ddp_host

# building library in lnamd64/2ddp_host
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_host'
# Generating udf_names.c because of makefile rotCG_motion1.c
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_host'
make "CFLAGS=-D_lnamd64 -D_GNU_SOURCE -fpic -shared -ansi -Wall -O -DPTR_RESTRICT=   " "LDFLAGS=-shared -lm"
make[3]: Entering directory `/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_host'
# Compiling rotCG_motion1.o because of rotCG_motion1.c
cc -D_lnamd64 -D_GNU_SOURCE -fpic -shared -ansi -Wall -O -DPTR_RESTRICT=     -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/`expr "\`pwd\`" : '.*/\(.*\)/[23].*'`/`basename "\`pwd\`"` -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/main -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/addon-wrapper -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/io -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/species -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/pbns -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/numerics -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/sphysics -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/storage -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/mphase -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/bc -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/models -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/material -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/amg -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/util -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/mesh -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/udf -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/ht -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/dx -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/turbulence -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/parallel -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/etc -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/ue -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/dpm -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/dbns -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/cortex/src -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/client/src -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/tgrid/src -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/multiport/src -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/multiport/mpi_wrapper/include -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/multiport/mpi_wrapper/src -I. -c rotCG_motion1.c
rotCG_motion1.c:7:13: warning: I defined but not used [-Wunused-variable]
 static real I = 0.0275; /* Moment of inertia */
rotCG_motion1.c:8:13: warning: alpha defined but not used [-Wunused-variable]
 static real alpha = 0.00626;
rotCG_motion1.c:9:13: warning: omega_prev defined but not used [-Wunused-variable]
 static real omega_prev = 0.0;
# Linking because of udf_names.c rotCG_motion1.o
cc -shared -lm udf_names.o rotCG_motion1.o  -o
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_host'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_host'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_host'
# linking to ../../src/rotCG_motion1.c in lnamd64/2ddp_node
# linking to ../../src/rotCG_motion2.c in lnamd64/2ddp_node

# building library in lnamd64/2ddp_node
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_node'
# Generating udf_names.c because of makefile rotCG_motion1.c
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_node'
make "CFLAGS=-D_lnamd64 -D_GNU_SOURCE -fpic -shared -ansi -Wall -O -DPTR_RESTRICT=   " "LDFLAGS=-shared -lm"
make[3]: Entering directory `/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_node'
# Compiling rotCG_motion1.o because of rotCG_motion1.c
cc -D_lnamd64 -D_GNU_SOURCE -fpic -shared -ansi -Wall -O -DPTR_RESTRICT=     -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/`expr "\`pwd\`" : '.*/\(.*\)/[23].*'`/`basename "\`pwd\`"` -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/main -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/addon-wrapper -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/io -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/species -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/pbns -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/numerics -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/sphysics -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/storage -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/mphase -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/bc -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/models -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/material -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/amg -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/util -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/mesh -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/udf -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/ht -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/dx -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/turbulence -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/parallel -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/etc -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/ue -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/dpm -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/src/dbns -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/cortex/src -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/client/src -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/tgrid/src -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/multiport/src -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/multiport/mpi_wrapper/include -I/usr045/ansys_inc/v182/fluent/fluent18.2.0/multiport/mpi_wrapper/src -I. -c rotCG_motion1.c
# Linking because of udf_names.c rotCG_motion1.o
cc -shared -lm udf_names.o rotCG_motion1.o  -o
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_node'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_node'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_node'

You can also see the 'log'-file in 
the working directory for this compilation history


Opening library "/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf"...
Library "/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_host/" opened
Opening library "/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf"...
Library "/usr045/people/greeshma45/Desktop/DFBI_Trial/CG_Motion/libudf/lnamd64/2ddp_node/" opened

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Old   November 16, 2022, 21:58
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2013
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AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
this is compilation log I got, when I tried to compile your code
fix these errors, put here revised version of code and describe problems if any
..\..\src\debug.c(18) : error C2275: 'Domain' : illegal use of this type as an expression
..\..\src\debug.c(18) : error C2065: 'd' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(19) : error C2275: 'Thread' : illegal use of this type as an expression
..\..\src\debug.c(19) : error C2065: 't_object' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(19) : error C2065: 'd' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(19) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'Domain *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(19) : warning C4024: 'Lookup_Thread' : different types for formal and actual parameter 1
..\..\src\debug.c(20) : error C2275: 'real' : illegal use of this type as an expression
..\..\src\debug.c(20) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'moment'
..\..\src\debug.c(20) : error C2065: 'moment' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(20) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type
..\..\src\debug.c(20) : error C2065: 'cg' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(20) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type
..\..\src\debug.c(20) : error C2065: 'force' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(20) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : error C2065: 'd' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'Domain *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 1
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : error C2065: 't_object' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'Thread *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 2
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : error C2065: 'cg' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'real *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 3
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : error C2065: 'force' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'real *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 4
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : error C2065: 'moment' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'real *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 5
..\..\src\debug.c(22) : error C2065: 'moment' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(22) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type
best regards

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AlexanderZ is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   November 17, 2022, 10:00
Default Edited UDF
New Member
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 14
Rep Power: 7
usr0830 is on a distinguished road
Hi Alexander,
Thank you for your response. I made a few changes to the UDF and the method. Instead of using the dynamic mesh method, now I am trying to use the UDF to change the rotational velocity in the Cell Zone conditions tab. I changed the UDF as follows. The rotor shown in the image should depend on the moments on the aerofoils (id 13 and 14). The code compiles without any errors for me. But it seems like the UDF is not being read as the first message I try to print does not appear on the console. There are no options to 'hook' the UDF other than in the Cell Zone conditions tab. Could you please help me solve this issue?

#include "udf.h"

real current_dt;
real omega_old;
real omega_new;
real moment_z;
real moment_z2;
real moment_R;
static real I = 0.0275; /* Moment of inertia */
static real alpha = 0.00626;
static real omega_prev = -128.0;
DEFINE_ZONE_MOTION (rotational_motion1,omega,axis,origin,velocity,time,dtime)
#if !RP_HOST
  Message("Begin udf1");
  omega_prev = omega[2];
  Message("Omega_old1 is %g",omega_prev);
  Domain *d =Get_Domain(1);
  Thread *t_object = Lookup_Thread(d, 13);
  Thread *t_object2 = Lookup_Thread(d, 14);
  real moment[ND_ND], cg[ND_ND], force[ND_ND];

  Compute_Force_And_Moment(d, t_object, cg, force, moment, TRUE);
  moment_z= moment[2]; 
  Compute_Force_And_Moment(d, t_object2, cg, force, moment, TRUE);
  moment_z2= moment[2]; 
   /* Equation of motion */
  moment_R = moment_z + moment_z2;
  omega_prev += ((1/I) * (moment_R- (alpha * omega_prev)));
  Message("Omega_new1 is %g",omega_prev);
  omega[2] = omega_prev;
  origin[0]= 0.0;
  origin[1]= 0.325;
  origin[2]= 0.0;

Attached Images
File Type: png Rotor.png (54.7 KB, 2 views)
File Type: png Cell zone condition.png (95.6 KB, 4 views)
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Old   November 18, 2022, 00:27
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 2,363
Rep Power: 34
AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
this is compilation log of your code "without errors"
..\..\src\debug.c(18) : error C2275: 'Domain' : illegal use of this type as an expression
..\..\src\debug.c(18) : error C2065: 'd' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(19) : error C2275: 'Thread' : illegal use of this type as an expression
..\..\src\debug.c(19) : error C2065: 't_object' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(19) : error C2065: 'd' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(19) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'Domain *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(19) : warning C4024: 'Lookup_Thread' : different types for formal and actual parameter 1
..\..\src\debug.c(20) : error C2275: 'Thread' : illegal use of this type as an expression
..\..\src\debug.c(20) : error C2065: 't_object2' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(20) : error C2065: 'd' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(20) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'Domain *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(20) : warning C4024: 'Lookup_Thread' : different types for formal and actual parameter 1
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : error C2275: 'real' : illegal use of this type as an expression
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'moment'
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : error C2065: 'moment' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : error C2065: 'cg' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : error C2065: 'force' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(21) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : error C2065: 'd' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'Domain *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 1
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : error C2065: 't_object' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'Thread *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 2
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : error C2065: 'cg' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'real *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 3
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : error C2065: 'force' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'real *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 4
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : error C2065: 'moment' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'real *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(23) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 5
..\..\src\debug.c(24) : error C2065: 'moment' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(24) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : error C2065: 'd' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'Domain *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 1
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : error C2065: 't_object2' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'Thread *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 2
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : error C2065: 'cg' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'real *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 3
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : error C2065: 'force' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'real *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 4
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : error C2065: 'moment' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'real *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
..\..\src\debug.c(25) : warning C4024: 'Compute_Force_And_Moment' : different types for formal and actual parameter 5
..\..\src\debug.c(26) : error C2065: 'moment' : undeclared identifier
..\..\src\debug.c(26) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type
best regards

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AlexanderZ is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   November 18, 2022, 00:34
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 2,363
Rep Power: 34
AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
#include "udf.h"

real current_dt;
real omega_old;
real omega_new;
real moment_z;
real moment_z2;
real moment_R;
static real I = 0.0275; /* Moment of inertia */
static real alpha = 0.00626;
static real omega_prev = -128.0;

	#if !RP_HOST
		Domain *d;
		Thread *t_object,*t_object2;
		real moment[ND_ND], cg[ND_ND], force[ND_ND];
		d =Get_Domain(1);
		Message0("Begin udf1");
		omega_prev = omega[2];
		Message0("Omega_old1 is %g",omega_prev);
		t_object = Lookup_Thread(d, 13);
		t_object2 = Lookup_Thread(d, 14);
		Compute_Force_And_Moment(d, t_object, cg, force, moment, TRUE);
		moment_z= moment[2]; 
		Compute_Force_And_Moment(d, t_object2, cg, force, moment, TRUE);
		moment_z2= moment[2]; 
		/* Equation of motion */
		moment_R = moment_z + moment_z2;
		omega_prev += ((1/I) * (moment_R- (alpha * omega_prev)));
		Message0("Omega_new1 is %g",omega_prev);
		omega[2] = omega_prev;
		origin[0]= 0.0;
		origin[1]= 0.325;
		origin[2]= 0.0;
best regards

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