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Unable to compile UDF and run simulation on HPC (cluster)

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Old   February 14, 2022, 11:35
Default Unable to compile UDF and run simulation on HPC (cluster)
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fan01 is on a distinguished road
Hello All,

Whenever I try to run fluent simulation on my university HPC it fails to compile the UDF and refuse to run. I tried running without UDF and it worked perfectly but when I included the UDF I get the follow error message from the .out file.

"faxxx/Desktop/3D_NC_v1/3dsoln/3dsolnv1_files/dp0/FFF/Fluent/libudf) is not compiled for parallel use on the current platform (lnamd64).

Auto-compilation skipped. Could not find input files required for creating "C:/Users/faxxx/Desktop/3D_NC_v1/3dsoln/3dsolnv1_files/dp0/FFF/Fluent/libudf" library Opening library "/cluster/home/faxxx/3dsoln/C:/Users/faxxx/Desktop/3D_NC_v1/3dsoln/3dsolnv1_files/dp0/FFF/Fluent/libudf"...rcx: couldn't decode arguments (4124).

RPC RCX_SC_SET_ERR_MSG failed: RPC: Can't encode arguments

Error at host: The UDF library you are trying to load (C:/Users/faxxx/Desktop/3D_NC_v1/3dsoln/3dsolnv1_files/dp0/FFF/Fluent/libudf) is not compiled for parallel use on the current platform (lnamd64).

No such file or directory


Meanwhile, I have the UDF in the libudf folder. And the UDF has not issues because it works fine when i compile on my desktop. The issue only comes run I transfer the case, dat and all the other files to cluster.

I have gone through some of the suggestions related to these issues on the forum. I converted the udf from dos2unix, so that’s not the issue.

I have tried using expressions to define the density, viscosity, & mass diffusivity but it seems the option to do so is not available on version 21.1.

Thank you for the help.
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ansys, fluent - parallel, fluent - udf, hpc cluster

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