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Interface and contact detection problem

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Old   July 5, 2021, 05:38
Default Interface and contact detection problem
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Hello everyone,
I am using ‘contact detection’ to set a motion limit, but I failed, details have been shown in Figure 1, whole fluid zone consists of zone1(fluid top) and zone2(fluid film), bottom face of zone1 and top face of zone 2 are set as interface, a force is exerted on the bottom face of zone2 to realize the motion along y axis, the limit distance that motion will be stopped is set as 0.9mm(the initial distance between top face of zone2 and bot face of zone2 is 1mm), details about contact detection is shown in Figure 2, however, when the distance reaches 0.9mm, the moving wall is still in active.
Besides, I found that once the bot face of zone1 and top face of zone2 are set as interface, two new faces with suffix “non-overlapping” appear, and warnings will be popped out if I choose to display them, which is shown in Figure 3.
UDF for dynamic mesh and contact detection are presented.
(1) why contact detection fails to stop the motion?
(2) face with suffix “non-overlapping” is the face that original face cuts off the interface between two faces, right?
(3) why the face with suffix “non-overlapping” cannot be displayed?(I saw its type is “wall”)
Any advice will be highly appreciated, thx!

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

UDF Code
#include <iostream>
#include "udf.h"
using namespace std;

DEFINE_SDOF_PROPERTIES(external_force, prop, dt, time, dtime)
	real force;
        force = 0.4;

	/* Basic property */
	prop[SDOF_MASS] = 1;
	prop[SDOF_LOAD_F_Y] = force;

	/* Translation constraint */
	/* Rotation constraint */

	cout << "Host force value: " << force << "N" << endl;

DEFINE_CONTACT(contact_props, dt, contacts)
	Objp* o;
	face_t face;
	Thread* thread;
	Domain* domain = NULL;
	Dynamic_Thread* ndt = NULL;
	int tid, nid, n_faces;
	real v0dotn1, v1dotn0;
	real nc_mag, norm0_mag, norm1_mag;
	real N3V_VEC(vel_rel);
	real N3V_VEC(nc), N3V_VEC(nctmp);
	real N3V_VEC(xc), N3V_VEC(xctmp);
	real N3V_VEC(vel0), N3V_VEC(omega0), N3V_VEC(theta0), N3V_VEC(norm0);
	real N3V_VEC(vel1), N3V_VEC(omega1), N3V_VEC(theta1), N3V_VEC(norm1);

	if (!Data_Valid_P())

	/* Define a common contact point / plane */
	N3V_S(nc, =, 0.0);
	N3V_S(xc, =, 0.0);

	/* Fetch current thread ID */
	tid = THREAD_ID(DT_THREAD(dt));
	nid = -1;
	n_faces = 0;
	loop(o, contacts)
		face = O_F(o);
		thread = O_F_THREAD(o);
		/* Skip faces on current thread */
		if (THREAD_ID(thread) == tid)

		/* Note ID of the other thread for posterity */
		if (nid == -1)
			nid = THREAD_ID(thread);

		N3V_S(nctmp, =, 0.0);
		N3V_S(xctmp, =, 0.0);
		F_AREA(nctmp, face, thread);
		F_CENTROID(xctmp, face, thread);

		* Negative sum because wall normals
		* point out of the fluid domain
		N3V_V(nc, -=, nctmp);
		N3V_V(xc, +=, xctmp);

# if RP_NODE 
		/* Reduce in parallel */
		nid = PRF_GIHIGH1(nid);
		n_faces = PRF_GISUM1(n_faces);
		PRF_GRSUM3(nc[0], nc[1], nc[2]);
		PRF_GRSUM3(xc[0], xc[1], xc[2]);
# endif

	node_to_host_int_2(nid, n_faces);
	node_to_host_real_3(nc[0], nc[1], nc[2]);
	node_to_host_real_3(xc[0], xc[1], xc[2]);
	if (n_faces > 0)
		nc_mag = N3V_MAG(nc) + REAL_MIN;
		N3V_S(nc, /=, nc_mag);
		N3V_S(xc, /=, n_faces);

		"\nContact:: tid: %d nid: %d n_faces: %d "
		"Point: (%f %f %f) Normal: (%f %f %f)",
		tid, nid, n_faces,
		xc[0], xc[1], xc[2],
		nc[0], nc[1], nc[2]

	/* Fetch thread for opposite body */
	thread = Lookup_Thread(domain, nid);
	if (NULLP(thread))
		Message("\nWarning: No thread for nid: %d ", nid);
		ndt = THREAD_DT(thread);

	SDOF_Get_Motion(dt, vel0, omega0, theta0);
	N3V_VV(norm0, =, xc, -, DT_CG(dt));
	norm0_mag = N3V_MAG(norm0) + REAL_MIN;
	N3V_S(norm0, /=, norm0_mag);
	if (NULLP(ndt))
		N3V_V(norm1, =, nc);
		N3V_S(vel1, =, 0.0);
		N3V_V(vel_rel, =, vel0);
		SDOF_Get_Motion(ndt, vel1, omega1, theta1);
		N3V_VV(vel_rel, =, vel0, -, vel1);
		N3V_VV(norm1, =, xc, -, DT_CG(ndt));
		norm1_mag = N3V_MAG(norm1) + REAL_MIN;
		N3V_S(norm1, /=, norm1_mag);

		if (N3V_DOT(vel_rel, nc) < 0.0)
			v1dotn0 = 2 * N3V_DOT(vel1, norm0);
			N3V_S(norm0, *=, v1dotn0);
			N3V_V(vel1, -=, norm0);
			SDOF_Overwrite_Motion(ndt, vel1, omega1, theta1);

	if (N3V_DOT(vel_rel, nc) < 0.0)
		v0dotn1 = 1 * N3V_DOT(vel0, norm1);
		N3V_S(norm1, *=, v0dotn1);
		N3V_V(vel0, -=, norm1);
		SDOF_Overwrite_Motion(dt, vel0, omega0, theta0);

		"\ncontact_props: Updated :: vel0 = (%f %f %f) vel1 = (%f %f %f)",
		vel0[0], vel0[1], vel0[2], vel1[0], vel1[1], vel1[2]
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