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Old   December 23, 2020, 04:55
Smile Define_source
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I want to include an absorption on a wall. So I stored the area in DEFINE_ON_DEMAND, as below. Is there anything wrong? Thank you for your time!

begin_f_loop(f, tc)
c0 = F_C0(f, tc);
t0 = THREAD_T0(tc);
C_UDMI(c0, t0, 0) = 1;
BOUNDARY_FACE_GEOMETRY(f, tc, A, ds, es, A_by_es, dr0);
area = NV_MAG(A);
C_UDMI(c0, t0, 1) = area;
end_f_loop(f, tc) is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   December 23, 2020, 05:21
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djendara is on a distinguished road
Hi , i think that you d'ont need to use BOUNDARY_FACE_GEOMETRY(f, tc, A, ds, es, A_by_es, dr0); since you are not computing flux in skewed mesh region inside boundaries
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Old   December 23, 2020, 06:47
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Originally Posted by djendara View Post
Hi , i think that you d'ont need to use BOUNDARY_FACE_GEOMETRY(f, tc, A, ds, es, A_by_es, dr0); since you are not computing flux in skewed mesh region inside boundaries
Dear Sir,

I have a curve that fits from the test data with units kg/m²-s. Although I'm not computing flux, but i need its area and volume to change its unit to kg/m³-s. For use in DEFINE_SOURCE. Or do I distort 'Flux in skewed mesh' in your reply?

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Old   December 24, 2020, 02:16
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AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
	Domain *d;
	Thread *t; 
	face_t f;
	int i,thread_id;
	real area = 0.0;
	real A[ND_ND];
	d = Get_Domain(1); 
	area = 0.0;
	thread_id = *** put here ID of face ***;
	t = Lookup_Thread(d, thread_id);
	# if RP_NODE /* Perform node synchronized actions here; Does nothing in Serial */
		area = PRF_GRSUM1(area);
	# endif /* RP_NODE */
	Message0("Area of face %d is %e\n",thread_id,area);
best regards

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Old   December 28, 2020, 00:43
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Dear AlexanderZ,

First of all, Thank you very much for the code you provided, which is very useful. Then I added some other code in it, but it doesn't work. I don't know whether it is a mistake in principle or a mistake in logic. Could you please help me have a look, this has been bothering me for several days.

Thank you for your time!

Originally Posted by AlexanderZ View Post
begin_f_loop(f, tc)
		if PRINCIPAL_FACE_P(f, tc)
			c0 = F_C0(f, tc); 
			t0 = THREAD_T0(tc);
			C_UDMI(c0, t0, 0) = 1;
			F_AREA(A, f, tc);
			area = NV_MAG(A);
			F_UDMI(c0, t0, 1) = area;
			volume = C_VOLUME(c0, t0);
			C_UDMI(c0, t0, 2) = volume;
			mixture_species_loop(mix_mat, sp, i)
				Mw = MATERIAL_PROP(sp, PROP_mwi);
				total_mole += C_YI(c0, t0, i) / Mw;
			co2_mole_fract = (C_YI(c0, t0, 0) / mw_co2) / total_mole;
			P_total = ABS_P(C_P(c0, t0), op_pres);
			P_co2 = P_total * co2_mole_fract;
			C_UDMI(c0, t0, 3) = P_co2;
			Message0("\n Area of face %d is %e,Volume is %e,P is %e \n", thread_id, F_UDMI(c0, t0, 1), C_UDMI(c0, t0, 2), C_UDMI(c0, t0, 3));
end_f_loop(f, t)
Node 4: Process 20420: Received signal SIGSEGV.

================================================== ============================
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Old   December 28, 2020, 01:23
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AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
try this code:
	begin_f_loop(f, t)
			c0 = F_C0(f, t); 
			t0 = THREAD_T0(t);
			C_UDMI(c0, t0, 0) = 1;
			F_AREA(A, f, t);
			area = NV_MAG(A);
			F_UDMI(f, t, 1) = area;
			volume = C_VOLUME(c0, t0);
			C_UDMI(c0, t0, 2) = volume;
			mixture_species_loop(mix_mat, sp, i)
				total_mole += C_YI(c0, t0, i) / MATERIAL_PROP(sp, PROP_mwi);
			co2_mole_fract = (C_YI(c0, t0, 0) / mw_co2) / total_mole;
			P_total = ABS_P(C_P(c0, t0), op_pres);
			P_co2 = P_total * co2_mole_fract;
			C_UDMI(c0, t0, 3) = P_co2;
			Message0("\n Area of face %d is %e,Volume is %e,P is %e \n", thread_id, F_UDMI(f, t, 1), C_UDMI(c0, t0, 2), C_UDMI(c0, t0, 3));
	end_f_loop(f, t)
allocate 4 user defined location in Fluent graphical interface
best regards

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Old   December 28, 2020, 02:52
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Dear AlexanderZ,

I tried the code, but still 'Received signal SIGSEGV'. So allow me to post the entire code. According to your code, everything works fine, but problems arise with the addition of my 'mixture_species_loop'. By the way, allocated 4 user defined location.

Thank you for your time!

Originally Posted by AlexanderZ View Post
try this code:
#if !RP_HOST
	cell_t c, c0;
	Domain *d;
	Thread *tc, *t0, *t;
	face_t f;
	int i, thread_id;
	real area, volume, P_co2, total_mole, co2_mole_fract, P_total;
	real A[ND_ND];
	d = Get_Domain(1);
	area = 0.0;
	volume = 0.0;
	thread_id = 10;
	P_co2 = 0.0;
	total_mole = 0.0;
	co2_mole_fract = 0.0;
	real mw_co2 = 44.0095;
	tc = Lookup_Thread(d, thread_id);
	Material *mix_mat, *sp;
	mix_mat = mixture_material(d);
	thread_loop_c(t, d)
		begin_c_loop(c, t)
			C_UDMI(c, t, 0) = 0;
	begin_f_loop(f, tc)
		if PRINCIPAL_FACE_P(f, tc)
			c0 = F_C0(f, tc); 
			t0 = THREAD_T0(tc);
			C_UDMI(c0, t0, 0) = 1;
			F_AREA(A, f, tc);
			area = NV_MAG(A);
			F_UDMI(f, t, 1) = area;
			volume = C_VOLUME(c0, t0);
			C_UDMI(c0, t0, 2) = volume;
			mixture_species_loop(mix_mat, sp, i)
				total_mole += C_YI(c0, t0, i) / MATERIAL_PROP(sp, PROP_mwi);
			co2_mole_fract = (C_YI(c0, t0, 0) / mw_co2) / total_mole;
			P_total = ABS_P(C_P(c0, t0), op_pres);
			P_co2 = P_total * co2_mole_fract;
			C_UDMI(c0, t0, 3) = P_co2;
			Message0("\n Area of face %d is %e,Volume is %e,P is %e \n", thread_id, F_UDMI(f, t0, 1), C_UDMI(c0, t0, 2), C_UDMI(c0, t0, 3));
	end_f_loop(f, t)
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Old   December 31, 2020, 05:34
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AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
FIRST of all, compile your code and read log! Code which you've put above has a lot of problems.
Try this one

#include "udf.h"

#if !RP_HOST
	cell_t c, c0;
	Domain *d;
	Thread *tc, *t0, *t;
	face_t f;
	int i, thread_id;
	real area, volume, P_co2, total_mole, co2_mole_fract, P_total,mw_co2;
	real A[ND_ND];
	Material *mix_mat, *sp;
	d = Get_Domain(1);
	area = 0.0;
	volume = 0.0;
	thread_id = 10;
	P_co2 = 0.0;
	total_mole = 0.0;
	co2_mole_fract = 0.0;
	mw_co2 = 44.0095;
	tc = Lookup_Thread(d, thread_id);
	mix_mat = THREAD_MATERIAL(t);
	thread_loop_c(t, d)
		begin_c_loop(c, t)
			C_UDMI(c, t, 0) = 0;
	begin_f_loop(f, tc)
		if PRINCIPAL_FACE_P(f, tc)
			c0 = F_C0(f, tc); 
			t0 = THREAD_T0(tc);
			C_UDMI(c0, t0, 0) = 1;
			F_AREA(A, f, tc);
			area = NV_MAG(A);
			F_UDMI(f, t, 1) = area;
			volume = C_VOLUME(c0, t0);
			C_UDMI(c0, t0, 2) = volume;
			mixture_species_loop(mix_mat, sp, i)
				total_mole += C_YI(c0, t0, i) / MATERIAL_PROP(sp, PROP_mwi);
			co2_mole_fract = (C_YI(c0, t0, 0) / mw_co2) / total_mole;
			P_total = ABS_P(C_P(c0, t0), op_pres);
			P_co2 = P_total * co2_mole_fract;
			C_UDMI(c0, t0, 3) = P_co2;
			Message0("\n Area of face %d is %e,Volume is %e,P is %e \n", thread_id, F_UDMI(f, t0, 1), C_UDMI(c0, t0, 2), C_UDMI(c0, t0, 3));
	end_f_loop(f, t)
best regards

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Old   January 3, 2021, 22:02
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Dear AlexanderZ,

Thank you very much for your patient answers and professional code. Based on your code, I updated some variables and it's working properly!

Originally Posted by AlexanderZ View Post
FIRST of all, compile your code and read log! Code which you've put above has a lot of problems.
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