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Query relating to scheme programming

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Old   October 17, 2020, 10:05
Default Query relating to scheme programming
New Member
Madhu Kalyan
Join Date: Jun 2020
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I have been working with ANSYS (Fluent and CFX) for a little more than a couple of years now, and right now I am working on a problem that can be done using periodic conditions. I am currently using ANSYS 2020 R1 and I can set the zones I need to translational periodicity. My queries are as follows:

1. How can I parametrize the mass flow rate condition as the input parameter and the pressure gradient as the output parameter? I have read in some online forums that I have to code it in. If so, How can I do that, and is there any non-coding procedure to achieve the parameterization?

2. I know that having a convergence of 10^-6 is the best but in case I am unable to achieve it then what should be the optimal route. I have conducted grid independence for my model with a low mass flow rate and that optimal mesh is actually failing to converge when I go for a little higher mass flow rate. I do try and change the "pressure" and "momentum" in the "controls" menu and I do get slightly better residuals but not being able to achieve the 10^-6 and it kind of flatlines around the 10^-4 mark. What should be done according to you?

3. What do the GPGPUs for the parallel computation before entering the fluent solver actually mean. I do have a 4 GB NVIDIA graphic card and I did read a little about involving the GPU for simulations by using a 3rd party software in earlier versions. Do the 3rd party ones still hold good or can I directly give the number of cores?
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convergence, fluent, gpu processing, scheme programming

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