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udf for spatial and temporal profile - linking error

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Old   August 6, 2020, 18:08
Question udf for spatial and temporal profile - linking error
Alexandre M S Costa
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 31
Rep Power: 17
amscosta is on a distinguished road
Hi All,
Hopefully some udf guru can tell what is wrong. The udf is pretty useful.

I am trying to compile the UDF below but I am facing the following link error message:
kernel32.lib(KERNEL32.dll) : error LNK2005: ReadFile already defined in temporalprof.obj
Creating library libudf.lib and object libudf.exp
libudf.dll : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found

The UDF below reads in a text file that contains data for both spatial and temporal variation of a scalar quantity.

The format of text file:
- The first line contains the NPtsTm (number of time steps points) and
NPtsData (number of data points)
- Next line is a blank
- Next NPtsTm lines contain the time data
- Next line is a blank
- Next NPtsData lines contain the x-coordinates data
- Next line is a blank
- Next NPtsData lines contain the y-coordinates data
- Next line is a blank
- Next NPtsData lines contain the z-coordinates data
- Next line is a blank
- Next NptsData lines contain the first scalar data at time#0
- Next line is a blank
- Next NptsData lines contain the first scalar data at time#1
- ... so on ... until the last time data is given

The UDF code :

#include "udf.h"

int NPtsTm,NPtsData;
int DataIsRead = 0;
real *tmarr,*xarr,*yarr,*zarr,**Tarr;

int n,i;
float data;
FILE* fp;

fp = fopen("DataFile","r");
if ( fp!=NULL )
Message("Reading file \n");
Message("Error in opening file \n");

fscanf(fp,"%d %d\n",&NPtsTm,&NPtsData);
Message("There are %d time entries and %d spatial entries\n",NPtsTm,NPtsData);

/* Dynamic allocation for 1D array */

tmarr = (real *) malloc(NPtsTm*sizeof(real));
xarr = (real *) malloc(NPtsData*sizeof(real));
yarr = (real *) malloc(NPtsData*sizeof(real));
zarr = (real *) malloc(NPtsData*sizeof(real));

/* Dynamic allocation for 2D array */
real *temp;
temp = (real * ) malloc(NPtsTm*NPtsData*sizeof(real));
Tarr = (real **) malloc(NPtsTm*sizeof(real *));

Tarr[n] = temp + n*NPtsData;

if ( (tmarr==NULL)||(xarr==NULL)||(yarr==NULL)||(zarr== NULL)||(Tarr==NULL) )
Message("Memory allocation error \n");

Message("The following is the %d time entries\n",NPtsTm);
for ( n=0;n<NPtsTm;n++ )
fscanf(fp,"%f \n",&data);
tmarr[n] = (real)data;
Message(" %f\n",data);

for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
fscanf(fp,"%f \n",&data);
xarr[i] = (real)data;

for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
fscanf(fp,"%f \n",&data);
yarr[i] = (real)data;

for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
fscanf(fp,"%f \n",&data);
zarr[i] = (real)data;

for ( n=0;n<NPtsTm;n++ )
for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
fscanf(fp,"%f \n",&data);
Tarr[n][i] = (real)data;

DataIsRead = 1;

/* Output check */

Message("The following is the %d coordinate entries\n",NPtsData);
for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
Message(" %f %f %f\n",xarr[i],yarr[i],zarr[i]);

for ( n=0;n<NPtsTm;n++ )
Message("The following is scalar data for time entry # %d\n",n);
for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
Message(" %f\n",Tarr[n][i]);


real GetData(real xf, real yf, real zf, real tm)
int n,nL,nU,i;
real tmL,tmU,data,dataL,dataU,sf,smin;

tm += 1.0e-7;

/* Find the time bracket */

nL = 0;
nU = 1;
tmL = tmarr[nL];
tmU = tmarr[nU];

for ( n=0;n<NPtsTm;n++ )
if ( (tm>=tmarr[n])&&(tm<=tmarr[n+1]) )
nL = n;
nU = n+1;
tmL = tmarr[nL];
tmU = tmarr[nU];

/* Find data at the lower and upper time bound */

smin = 1.0e30;
dataL = 0.0;
dataU = 0.0;

for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
sf = sqrt( pow((xarr[i]-xf),2) + pow((yarr[i]-yf),2) + pow((zarr[i]-zf),2) );
if ( sf<=smin )
smin = sf;
dataL = Tarr[nL][i];
dataU = Tarr[nU][i];

/* Interpolate between lower and upper time values */

data = dataL + ( tm - tmL )/( tmU - tmL )*( dataU - dataL );

return data;


face_t f;
real tm,xf[ND_ND];

tm = RP_Get_Real("flow-time");

F_PROFILE(f,tf,pos) = GetData(xf[0],xf[1],xf[2],tm);
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Old   August 7, 2020, 06:11
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AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
change in
ReadFile to any other name, for example ReadFile1
best regards

press LIKE if this message was helpful
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Old   August 7, 2020, 12:45
Alexandre M S Costa
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 31
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amscosta is on a distinguished road
Great . Thank you very much.
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Old   July 6, 2021, 05:11
Default Problem with using the code
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Farshad Taj
Join Date: Jul 2021
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Originally Posted by amscosta View Post
Hi All,
Hopefully some udf guru can tell what is wrong. The udf is pretty useful.

I am trying to compile the UDF below but I am facing the following link error message:
kernel32.lib(KERNEL32.dll) : error LNK2005: ReadFile already defined in temporalprof.obj
Creating library libudf.lib and object libudf.exp
libudf.dll : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found

The UDF below reads in a text file that contains data for both spatial and temporal variation of a scalar quantity.

The format of text file:
- The first line contains the NPtsTm (number of time steps points) and
NPtsData (number of data points)
- Next line is a blank
- Next NPtsTm lines contain the time data
- Next line is a blank
- Next NPtsData lines contain the x-coordinates data
- Next line is a blank
- Next NPtsData lines contain the y-coordinates data
- Next line is a blank
- Next NPtsData lines contain the z-coordinates data
- Next line is a blank
- Next NptsData lines contain the first scalar data at time#0
- Next line is a blank
- Next NptsData lines contain the first scalar data at time#1
- ... so on ... until the last time data is given

The UDF code :

#include "udf.h"

int NPtsTm,NPtsData;
int DataIsRead = 0;
real *tmarr,*xarr,*yarr,*zarr,**Tarr;

int n,i;
float data;
FILE* fp;

fp = fopen("DataFile","r");
if ( fp!=NULL )
Message("Reading file \n");
Message("Error in opening file \n");

fscanf(fp,"%d %d\n",&NPtsTm,&NPtsData);
Message("There are %d time entries and %d spatial entries\n",NPtsTm,NPtsData);

/* Dynamic allocation for 1D array */

tmarr = (real *) malloc(NPtsTm*sizeof(real));
xarr = (real *) malloc(NPtsData*sizeof(real));
yarr = (real *) malloc(NPtsData*sizeof(real));
zarr = (real *) malloc(NPtsData*sizeof(real));

/* Dynamic allocation for 2D array */
real *temp;
temp = (real * ) malloc(NPtsTm*NPtsData*sizeof(real));
Tarr = (real **) malloc(NPtsTm*sizeof(real *));

Tarr[n] = temp + n*NPtsData;

if ( (tmarr==NULL)||(xarr==NULL)||(yarr==NULL)||(zarr== NULL)||(Tarr==NULL) )
Message("Memory allocation error \n");

Message("The following is the %d time entries\n",NPtsTm);
for ( n=0;n<NPtsTm;n++ )
fscanf(fp,"%f \n",&data);
tmarr[n] = (real)data;
Message(" %f\n",data);

for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
fscanf(fp,"%f \n",&data);
xarr[i] = (real)data;

for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
fscanf(fp,"%f \n",&data);
yarr[i] = (real)data;

for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
fscanf(fp,"%f \n",&data);
zarr[i] = (real)data;

for ( n=0;n<NPtsTm;n++ )
for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
fscanf(fp,"%f \n",&data);
Tarr[n][i] = (real)data;

DataIsRead = 1;

/* Output check */

Message("The following is the %d coordinate entries\n",NPtsData);
for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
Message(" %f %f %f\n",xarr[i],yarr[i],zarr[i]);

for ( n=0;n<NPtsTm;n++ )
Message("The following is scalar data for time entry # %d\n",n);
for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
Message(" %f\n",Tarr[n][i]);


real GetData(real xf, real yf, real zf, real tm)
int n,nL,nU,i;
real tmL,tmU,data,dataL,dataU,sf,smin;

tm += 1.0e-7;

/* Find the time bracket */

nL = 0;
nU = 1;
tmL = tmarr[nL];
tmU = tmarr[nU];

for ( n=0;n<NPtsTm;n++ )
if ( (tm>=tmarr[n])&&(tm<=tmarr[n+1]) )
nL = n;
nU = n+1;
tmL = tmarr[nL];
tmU = tmarr[nU];

/* Find data at the lower and upper time bound */

smin = 1.0e30;
dataL = 0.0;
dataU = 0.0;

for ( i=0;i<NPtsData;i++ )
sf = sqrt( pow((xarr[i]-xf),2) + pow((yarr[i]-yf),2) + pow((zarr[i]-zf),2) );
if ( sf<=smin )
smin = sf;
dataL = Tarr[nL][i];
dataU = Tarr[nU][i];

/* Interpolate between lower and upper time values */

data = dataL + ( tm - tmL )/( tmU - tmL )*( dataU - dataL );

return data;


face_t f;
real tm,xf[ND_ND];

tm = RP_Get_Real("flow-time");

F_PROFILE(f,tf,pos) = GetData(xf[0],xf[1],xf[2],tm);
Hi amscosta,

I hope you are doing well. I am trying to use the UDF you have provided to have a Spatio-temporal velocity profile. I could successfully compile this code in Fluent, but when I try to initialize my solution, the following error appears on my screen and then, fluent is crashed.

Error: MPI Application rank 0 exited before MPI finalization() with status 2

I would be thankful if you could let me know whether you had this error or not, and the potential way you used to deal with that.

Also, I would be thankful if you could provide me with a sample of the text file that is being used for this UDF. Using the sample, I would understand whether I have written my text file in the correct format or not.

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spatial temporal profile

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