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Excessive condensation UDF causes temperature field and pressure field disorder

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Old   June 22, 2020, 01:12
Unhappy Excessive condensation UDF causes temperature field and pressure field disorder
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Join Date: Jun 2020
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Hello Everyone,
I am trying to use the udf code to simulate in-tube condensation of the steam and air mixture.The VOF model and the species transport model were enabled in Fluent. A liquid phase mass source term, a gas phase mass source term, and an energy source term are defined. My idea is to judge whether it is a vapor-liquid interface firstly, if it is, then assign a value to the source term, if not, then continue to judge whether it is a wall surface. The thickness of the first layer of my adherent mesh is 0.03mm. When the The value of the source term is small , 2.56e-4 for example , temperature field and pressure field are normal , but when the value is high , 4000 for example, the temperature field and pressure field are strange . My wall temper is 300K, and inlet gas temper is 373.5K,but after running for several steps , the static temper is as high as 590K. My initial static pressure is 0, after running , the pressure is 2.69e9 . Anybody know why that is?

#include "udf.h"
#include "sg.h"
#include "sg_mphase.h"
#include "flow.h"
#include "mem.h"
#define air_molecular 28.966
#define vapor_molecular 18.0152
#define lam 0.8
#define standard_temper 298.15
#define standard_pressure 101325
#define standard_diffusivity 2.56e-5
#define SYMMETRY 13

#define WALL_NUMBER1 12
#define prim_index 0
#define index_evap_primary 1
#define p_op 101325
int phase_domain_index;
real face_center[ND_ND], cell_center[ND_ND], a[ND_ND], b[ND_ND];
real p, diffusivity, Wvol;
real cell_vapor_pressure, wall_temper, wall_pressure;
real NV_VEC(A),j,i;
real area, area_density, mass_transfer_coeff, B1, area1;
real water_temper, water_satpressure;
real vapor_density,u,v;
int n;
Domain *domain1;
cell_t c;
Thread *t;
Thread *tp;
Thread *ts;
Thread *tf,*tb;
face_t fa;
face_t fb ;
real source;
double latent_heat(double Tsat)
double sum;
return sum;

Thread *mixer, *sec_th;
Thread *sym;
face_t f;
real m_dot_first;
real mass_dot;
mixer = THREAD_SUPER_THREAD(first);
sec_th = THREAD_SUB_THREAD(mixer,1);

if (C_VOF(cell, first) > 0&&C_VOF(cell, first) < 1)

mass_dot = -2.56e-4;
dS[eqn] =0;
mass_dot =0;

c_face_loop(cell, mixer, n)
fa = C_FACE(cell, mixer, n);
tf = C_FACE_THREAD(cell, mixer, n);
F_CENTROID(face_center, fa, tf);
if (face_center[0] < 1e-5)
mass_dot = -2.56e-4;
dS[eqn] =0;

source = mass_dot;
return source;

DEFINE_SOURCE(liq_src, cell, sec_th, dS, eqn)
Thread *mixer, *first;
Thread *sym;
face_t f;
real mass_dot;
mixer = THREAD_SUPER_THREAD(sec_th);
first = THREAD_SUB_THREAD(mixer, 0);
if (C_VOF(cell, sec_th) > 0&&C_VOF(cell, sec_th) < 1)

mass_dot = 2.56e-4;
dS[eqn] =0;
mass_dot =0;
c_face_loop(cell, mixer, n)
fa = C_FACE(cell, mixer, n);
tf = C_FACE_THREAD(cell, mixer, n);
F_CENTROID(face_center, fa, tf);
if (face_center[0]< 1e-5)
mass_dot = 2.56e-4;
dS[eqn] =0;

source = mass_dot;
return source;

DEFINE_SOURCE(enrg_src, cell, mixer, dS, eqn)
Thread *first, *sec_th;
Thread *sym;
face_t f ;
real m_dot, latentheat;
real mass_dot;
first = THREAD_SUB_THREAD(mixer, 0);
sec_th = THREAD_SUB_THREAD(mixer, 1);

if (C_VOF(cell, sec_th) > 0&&C_VOF(cell, sec_th) < 1)
mass_dot = -2.56e-4;
dS[eqn] =0;

latentheat = latent_heat(C_T(cell, first));
mass_dot =0;
c_face_loop(cell, mixer, n)
fa = C_FACE(cell, mixer, n);
tf = C_FACE_THREAD(cell, mixer, n);
F_CENTROID(face_center, fa, tf);
if (face_center[0] < 1e-5)
mass_dot = -2.56e-4;
dS[eqn] =0;


m_dot = -mass_dot;
return latentheat*m_dot;
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Old   June 22, 2020, 11:56
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Source values have a limit; larger source values make the coefficient matrix non-diagonal dominant, which leads to convergence issues. If the source values are expected to be high, then use coarser mesh.

PM to be used if and only if you do not want something to be shared publicly. PM is considered to be of the least priority.
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