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Divergence detected in AMG solver

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Old   November 6, 2019, 07:21
Smile Divergence detected in AMG solver
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Location: Pune
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hello everyone i'm writing udf to calulate density of sf6 at given pressure and temperature. i have written a code as below but it is showing an error as
: Divergence detected in AMG solver
im not able to find the cause of the error. someone please help me out.

real tempe;
real pres;
real DEN_1;
real DEN_2;
real DEN_3;
real DEN;


if(pres>=0 && pres<=303975)
if( tempe>=300 && tempe<=500)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-300)/200)*(-2.35e+00) +5.86e+00;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-300)/200)*(-9.30e+00) +2.34e+01;}
else if( tempe>=500 && tempe<=1000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-500)/500)*(-1.75e+00) +3.51e+00;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-500)/500)*(-7.07e+00) +1.41e+01;}
else if( tempe>=1000 && tempe<=1500)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-1000)/500)*(-6.50e-01) +1.76e+00;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-1000)/500)*(-2.45e+00) +7.03e+00;}
else if( tempe>=1500 && tempe<=1800)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-1500)/300)*(-6.47e-01) +1.11e+00;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-1500)/300)*(-1.81e+00) +4.58e+00;}
else if( tempe>=1800 && tempe<=2000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-1800)/200)*(-1.78e-01) +4.63e-01;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-1800)/200)*(-1.40e+00) +2.77e+00;}
else if( tempe>=2000 && tempe<=2200)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-2000)/200)*(-7.80e-02) +2.85e-01;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-2000)/200)*(-3.60e-01) +1.37e+00;}
else if( tempe>=2200 && tempe<=2400)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-2200)/200)*(-5.20e-02) +2.07e-01;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-2200)/200)*(-2.55e-01) +1.01e+00;}
else if( tempe>=2400 && tempe<=2600)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-2400)/200)*(-2.30e-02) +1.55e-01;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-2400)/200)*(-1.71e-01) +7.55e-01;}
else if( tempe>=2600 && tempe<=2800)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-2600)/200)*(-2.10e-02) +1.32e-01;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-2600)/200)*(-8.60e-02) +5.84e-01;}
else if( tempe>=2800 && tempe<=3000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-2800)/200)*(-1.68e-02) +1.11e-01;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-2800)/200)*(-6.90e-02) +4.98e-01;}
else if( tempe>=3000 && tempe<=3200)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-3000)/200)*(-1.02e-02) +9.42e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-3000)/200)*(-6.20e-02) +4.29e-01;}
else if( tempe>=3200 && tempe<=3400)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-3200)/200)*(-7.10e-03) +8.40e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-3200)/200)*(-4.20e-02) +3.67e-01;}
else if( tempe>=3400 && tempe<=3600)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-3400)/200)*(-5.50e-03) +7.69e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-3400)/200)*(-2.80e-02) +3.25e-01;}
else if( tempe>=3600 && tempe<=3800)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-3600)/200)*(-4.40e-03) +7.14e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-3600)/200)*(-2.20e-02) +2.97e-01;}
else if( tempe>=3800 && tempe<=4000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-3800)/200)*(-3.80e-03) +6.70e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-3800)/200)*(-1.80e-02) +2.75e-01;}
else if( tempe>=4000 && tempe<=5000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-4000)/1000)*(-1.30e-02) +6.32e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-4000)/1000)*(-5.60e-02) +2.57e-01;}
else if( tempe>=5000 && tempe<=6000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-5000)/1000)*(-8.40e-03) +5.02e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-5000)/1000)*(-3.40e-02) +2.01e-01;}
else if( tempe>=6000 && tempe<=7000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-6000)/1000)*(-6.00e-03) +4.18e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-6000)/1000)*(-2.40e-02) +1.67e-01;}
else if( tempe>=7000 && tempe<=8000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-7000)/1000)*(-4.70e-03) +3.58e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-7000)/1000)*(-1.80e-02) +1.43e-01;}
else if( tempe>=8000 && tempe<=9000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-8000)/1000)*(-3.90e-03) +3.11e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-8000)/1000)*(-1.50e-02) +1.25e-01;}
else if( tempe>=9000 && tempe<=10000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-9000)/1000)*(-3.30e-03) +2.72e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-9000)/1000)*(-1.22e-02) +1.10e-01;}
else if( tempe>=10000 && tempe<=12000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-10000)/2000)*(-5.10e-03) +2.39e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-10000)/2000)*(-2.00e-02) +9.78e-02;}
else if( tempe>=12000 && tempe<=14000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-12000)/2000)*(-3.80e-03) +1.88e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-12000)/2000)*(-1.48e-02) +7.78e-02;}
else if( tempe>=14000 && tempe<=16000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-14000)/2000)*(-3.80e-03) +1.50e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-14000)/2000)*(-1.27e-02) +6.30e-02;}
else if( tempe>=16000 && tempe<=18000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-16000)/2000)*(-2.90e-03) +1.12e-02;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-16000)/2000)*(-1.17e-02) +5.03e-02;}
else if( tempe>=18000 && tempe<=20000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-18000)/2000)*(-1.65e-03) +8.30e-03;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-18000)/2000)*(-8.80e-03) +3.86e-02;}
else if( tempe>=20000 && tempe<=22000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-20000)/2000)*(-9.50e-04) +6.65e-03;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-20000)/2000)*(-5.40e-03) +2.98e-02;}
else if( tempe>=22000 && tempe<=24000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-22000)/2000)*(-2.00e-04) +5.70e-03;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-22000)/2000)*(-3.20e-03) +2.44e-02;}
else if( tempe>=24000 && tempe<=26000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-24000)/2000)*(-9.50e-04) +5.50e-03;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-24000)/2000)*(-2.30e-03) +2.12e-02;}
else if( tempe>=26000 && tempe<=28000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-26000)/2000)*(-4.10e-04) +4.55e-03;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-26000)/2000)*(-1.80e-03) +1.89e-02;}
else if( tempe>=28000 && tempe<=30000)
{DEN_1 = ((tempe-28000)/2000)*(-4.20e-04) +4.14e-03;
DEN_2 = ((tempe-28000)/2000)*(-1.71e-02) +1.71e-02;}


if(pres>=303975 && pres<=911925)
if( tempe>=300 && tempe<=500)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-300)/200)*(-9.30e+00) +2.34e+01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-300)/200)*(-2.34E+01) +5.85E+01;}
else if( tempe>=500 && tempe<=1000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-500)/500)*(-7.07e+00) +1.41e+01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-500)/500)*(-1.75E+01) +3.51E+01;}
else if( tempe>=1000 && tempe<=1500)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-1000)/500)*(-2.45e+00) +7.03e+00;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-1000)/500)*(-6.00E+00) +1.76E+01;}
else if( tempe>=1500 && tempe<=1800)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-1500)/300)*(-1.81e+00) +4.58e+00;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-1500)/300)*(-3.53E+00) +1.16E+01;}
else if( tempe>=1800 && tempe<=2000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-1800)/200)*(-1.40e+00) +2.77e+00;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-1800)/200)*(-3.55E+00) +8.07;}
else if( tempe>=2000 && tempe<=2200)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-2000)/200)*(-3.60e-01) +1.37e+00;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-2000)/200)*(-1.78E+00) +4.52;}
else if( tempe>=2200 && tempe<=2400)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-2200)/200)*(-2.55e-01) +1.01e+00;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-2200)/200)*(-5.60E-01) +2.74;}
else if( tempe>=2400 && tempe<=2600)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-2400)/200)*(-1.71e-01) +7.55e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-2400)/200)*(-5.20E-01) +2.18;}
else if( tempe>=2600 && tempe<=2800)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-2600)/200)*(-8.60e-02) +5.84e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-2600)/200)*(-3.20E-01) +1.66;}
else if( tempe>=2800 && tempe<=3000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-2800)/200)*(-6.90e-02) +4.98e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-2800)/200)*(-1.80E-01) +1.34E+00;}
else if( tempe>=3000 && tempe<=3200)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-3000)/200)*(-6.20e-02) +4.29e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-3000)/200)*(-1.50E-01) +1.16;}
else if( tempe>=3200 && tempe<=3400)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-3200)/200)*(-4.20e-02) +3.67e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-3200)/200)*(-1.37E-01) +1.01E+00;}
else if( tempe>=3400 && tempe<=3600)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-3400)/200)*(-2.80e-02) +3.25e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-3400)/200)*(-9.50E-02) +8.73E-01;}
else if( tempe>=3600 && tempe<=3800)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-3600)/200)*(-2.20e-02) +2.97e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-3600)/200)*(-6.70E-02) +7.78E-01;}
else if( tempe>=3800 && tempe<=4000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-3800)/200)*(-1.80e-02) +2.75e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-3800)/200)*(-5.50E-02) +7.11E-01;}
else if( tempe>=4000 && tempe<=5000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-4000)/1000)*(-5.60e-02) +2.57e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-4000)/1000)*(-1.50E-01) +6.56E-01;}
else if( tempe>=5000 && tempe<=6000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-5000)/1000)*(-3.40e-02) +2.01e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-5000)/1000)*(-8.70E-02) +5.06E-01;}
else if( tempe>=6000 && tempe<=7000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-6000)/1000)*(-2.40e-02) +1.67e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-6000)/1000)*(-6.10E-02) +4.19E-01;}
else if( tempe>=7000 && tempe<=8000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-7000)/1000)*(-1.80e-02) +1.43e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-7000)/1000)*(-4.50E-02) +3.58E-01;}
else if( tempe>=8000 && tempe<=9000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-8000)/1000)*(-1.50e-02) +1.25e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-8000)/1000)*(-3.60E-02) +3.13E-01;}
else if( tempe>=9000 && tempe<=10000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-9000)/1000)*(-1.22e-02) +1.10e-01;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-9000)/1000)*(-3.00E-02) +2.77E-01;}
else if( tempe>=10000 && tempe<=12000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-10000)/2000)*(-2.00e-02) +9.78e-02;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-10000)/2000)*(-4.90E-02) +2.47E-01;}
else if( tempe>=12000 && tempe<=14000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-12000)/2000)*(-1.48e-02) +7.78e-02;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-12000)/2000)*(-3.60E-02) +1.98E-01;}
else if( tempe>=14000 && tempe<=16000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-14000)/2000)*(-1.27e-02) +6.30e-02;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-14000)/2000)*(-3.00E-02) +1.62E-01;}
else if( tempe>=16000 && tempe<=18000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-16000)/2000)*(-1.17e-02) +5.03e-02;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-16000)/2000)*(-2.70E-02) +1.32E-01;}
else if( tempe>=18000 && tempe<=20000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-18000)/2000)*(-8.80e-03) +3.86e-02;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-18000)/2000)*(-2.29E-02) +1.05E-01;}
else if( tempe>=20000 && tempe<=22000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-20000)/2000)*(-5.40e-03) +2.98e-02;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-20000)/2000)*(-1.63E-02) +8.21E-02;}
else if( tempe>=22000 && tempe<=24000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-22000)/2000)*(-3.20e-03) +2.44e-02;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-22000)/2000)*(-1.02E-02) +6.58E-02;}
else if( tempe>=24000 && tempe<=26000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-24000)/2000)*(-2.30e-03) +2.12e-02;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-24000)/2000)*(-6.80E-03) +5.56E-02;}
else if( tempe>=26000 && tempe<=28000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-26000)/2000)*(-1.80e-03) +1.89e-02;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-26000)/2000)*(-4.90E-03) +4.88E-02;}
else if( tempe>=28000 && tempe<=30000)
{DEN_2 = ((tempe-28000)/2000)*(-1.71e-02) +1.71e-02;
DEN_3 = ((tempe-28000)/2000)*(-3.90E-03) +4.39e-02;}

if (pres == 0 )
{DEN = DEN_1;}

if (pres == 303975)
{DEN = DEN_2;}

if (pres == 911925)
{DEN = DEN_3;}

if(pres>0 && pres<303975)
{DEN = ((DEN_2-DEN_1)/(303975-0))*(pres-0)+ DEN_1;}

if(pres>303975 && pres<1)
{DEN = ((DEN_3-DEN_2)/(911925-303975))*(pres-303975)+ DEN_2;}

//printf("density %f \n",DEN);
return DEN;

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Old   November 6, 2019, 10:06
Join Date: Jun 2017
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Large Epic Simulations is on a distinguished road
Simple question: are you using the density or the pressure based solver?
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Old   November 6, 2019, 21:20
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Originally Posted by Large Epic Simulations View Post
Simple question: are you using the density or the pressure based solver?
Pressure based solver.. is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   November 6, 2019, 21:55
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Originally Posted by Large Epic Simulations View Post
Simple question: are you using the density or the pressure based solver?
I'm also using similar type of program for other properties like thermal conductivity, specific heat, viscosity, electric conductivity
And some source term to model MHD modeling is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   November 7, 2019, 05:36
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I'm almost sure that this would not solve completely your problem, but:

"if(pres>303975 && pres<1)" is a condition you will never meet, since pres cannot be higher than 303975 and lower than 1 at the same time.

It might be that pres never meet any conditions that you imposed, therefore no numbers are assigned to DEN. I imagine that you get some NaN in the residuals chart because of this.

If you are completely sure that this routine always correctly define your density, you should check that your fluid physical properties do not violate the first and second principle of thermodynamics. That is to say: no negative cp and no negative bulk modulus.
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Old   November 7, 2019, 05:57
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Originally Posted by Large Epic Simulations View Post
I'm almost sure that this would not solve completely your problem, but:

"if(pres>303975 && pres<1)" is a condition you will never meet, since pres cannot be higher than 303975 and lower than 1 at the same time.

It might be that pres never meet any conditions that you imposed, therefore no numbers are assigned to DEN. I imagine that you get some NaN in the residuals chart because of this.

If you are completely sure that this routine always correctly define your density, you should check that your fluid physical properties do not violate the first and second principle of thermodynamics. That is to say: no negative cp and no negative bulk modulus.
When I'm printing the values of density it shows different values as given in program but after few iterations it shows divergence error in AMG solver.. is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   November 7, 2019, 06:27
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I suggest you to use the User Defined Real Gas Model and to switch to the density based solver.

It looks like you're working at temperature and pressures levels similar to those encountered in HVCB systems. I'm I wrong?
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Old   November 7, 2019, 06:39
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Originally Posted by Large Epic Simulations View Post
I suggest you to use the User Defined Real Gas Model and to switch to the density based solver.

It looks like you're working at temperature and pressures levels similar to those encountered in HVCB systems. I'm I wrong?
Yes I'm working on MV CB is offline   Reply With Quote


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