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Segmentation Fault!

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Old   September 25, 2019, 13:43
Default Segmentation Fault!
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hello everyone,
I am trying to get the velocity gradient values using the udf below, but it throws a segmentation fault.

Domain* d;

face_t f;
cell_t c;
double DUY, DVY, DUX, DVX;
d = Get_Domain(1); /* Get the domain using ANSYS FLUENT utility */
int zone_ID = 8; /* Found in Fluent BC panel and identifies Wall */

Thread *t = Lookup_Thread(d, zone_ID);

begin_f_loop(f, t)
t = THREAD_T0(t); /* adjacent cell thread to f */
c = F_C0(f, t);
DUX = C_DUDX(c, t);
F_UDMI(f, t, 0) = DUX;
DVX = C_DVDX(c, t);
F_UDMI(f, t, 1) = DVX;
DUY = C_DUDY(c, t);
F_UDMI(f, t, 2) = DUY;
DVY = C_DVDY(c, t);
F_UDMI(f, t, 3) = DVY;
end_f_loop(c, t)

Any help will be appreciated.
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Old   September 26, 2019, 01:24
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AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
did you allocate memory for your UDMs?

fluent GUI -> user-defined -> memory -> udm locations -> 4

best regards
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Old   September 26, 2019, 02:03
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Originally Posted by AlexanderZ View Post
did you allocate memory for your UDMs?

fluent GUI -> user-defined -> memory -> udm locations -> 4

best regards
Thanks Alexander for the reply
Yes I have defined sufficient udms. Actually this is a part of a larger udf I am writing for wall slip velocity.
Is there anything else that could be wrong?
Thanks in advance
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Old   September 26, 2019, 02:48
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AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
#include "udf.h"

Domain* d; 

face_t f;
cell_t c; 
double DUY, DVY, DUX, DVX;
int zone_ID = 8; /* Found in Fluent BC panel and identifies Wall */
Thread *t;

d = Get_Domain(1); /* Get the domain using ANSYS FLUENT utility */
t = Lookup_Thread(d, zone_ID);
begin_f_loop(f, t)
t = THREAD_T0(t); /* adjacent cell thread to f */
c = F_C0(f, t);
DUX = C_DUDX(c, t);
F_UDMI(f, t, 0) = DUX;
DVX = C_DVDX(c, t);
F_UDMI(f, t, 1) = DVX;
DUY = C_DUDY(c, t);
F_UDMI(f, t, 2) = DUY;
DVY = C_DVDY(c, t);
F_UDMI(f, t, 3) = DVY;
end_f_loop(c, t)

compile code, read error log

best regards
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Old   September 27, 2019, 09:07
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pakk will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by NonStopEagle View Post
t = THREAD_T0(t); /* adjacent cell thread to f */
I think you want this line outside your loop.
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Old   September 27, 2019, 17:24
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Thanks for your reply pakk,
But I have changed my method of calculating the gradients. You see, I want to calculate the wall normal gradients of velocity and temperature. The reason i am not using the predefined macros it that they are not limited and produce large values leading to divergence ( I know about reconstruction gradients, bu even then the changes in gradient values as i change under-relaxation in my udf are high and result in large changes in the resulting slip velocity). see my udf below for this.
DEFINE_PROFILE(wall_slip_velocity, t, index)
static double T, P, density, MU, K, landa, a_m, du_da, dT_dx, u_f, u, v;
double A[ND_ND];
face_t f;
Thread* t0;
cell_t c0;
double DUR, DVR;
double DUY, DVY, DUX, DVX;
static real gradient;
double uw, dy, grad;
double uc[223];
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
begin_c_loop(c0, t0)
begin_f_loop(f, t)
t0 = THREAD_T0(t); /* adjacent cell thread to f */
c0 = F_C0(f, t); /* adjacent cell to f */

// Calculation of gradients
// approximating the normal gradient to be the difference between cell center and wall divided by the half cell distance.
//To get the cell center value.
uc = C_U(c0, t0); // cell center velocity
uw = F_U(c0, t0); // face velocity
Message("UC :%f", uc);

dy = 1.25 * (10 ^ (-8)); // from inflation layer
grad = (uw - uc) / dy;

T = C_T(c0, t0); /* temperature of the cell */
P = C_P(c0, t0); /* peressure of the cell */
density = C_R(c0, t0); /* density of the cell*/
MU = C_MU_L(c0, t0); /* laminar viscosity of the cell */
u = C_U(c0, t0);
v = C_V(c0, t0);
K = C_K_L(c0, t0); /* thermal conductivity of the cell */
landa = (k_B * T) / (sqrt_2 * pi * sigma * sigma * P); /* mean free path line */
F_PROFILE(f, t, index) = relax * (((2 - sigma_v) / sigma_v) * landa * grad);
F_UDMI(f, t, 5) = landa;
i = i + 1;

end_f_loop(f, t)
the question i have for you is that in the above udf, when i try to calculate the cell center velocities and wall(face) velocities, they return the same values. the gradient is calculated above as,
grad = (cell-center velocity - wall velocity)/(half width of cell)
I expect some difference in the cell-center and face velocity so that the gradient values comes out to be non-zero.

I would appreciate it, if you could help me with this problem.(Perhaps the method i am using to get the cell center and face values is incorrect).
If such is the case kindly point me in the right direction.
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Old   September 28, 2019, 02:54
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pakk will become famous soon enough
You are mixing t and t0. One of them is a cell thread, one of them a face thread.

Maybe call them cell_thread and face_thread for clarity, and think about which one you should use where.


uw = F_U(c0, t0); // face velocity

Well, c0 and t0 are cell-related, not face-related,so this will not give a face velocity.
F_U(f, t) is probably what you want.
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Old   September 28, 2019, 03:40
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Thanks pakk
I have changed the code as per your recommendations. Now i get the value of cell velocity, but fluent throws a segmentation fault when calculating the face velocity.

the modified udf is as follows: ( I have added comments to signify threads as i understand them, if i am wrong, please feel free to correct me.)

DEFINE_PROFILE(wall_slip_velocity, f_t, index)
static double T, P, density, MU, K, landa, a_m, du_da, dT_dx, u_f, u, v;
double A[ND_ND];
face_t f;
Thread* c_t0;
cell_t c0;
double DUR, DVR;
double DUY, DVY, DUX, DVX;
static real gradient;
double uw, dy, grad;
double uc;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
i = 0;
begin_f_loop(f, f_t) // loop running on faces and along face_thread
// Calculation of gradients
// approximating the normal gradient to be the difference between cell center and wall divided by the half cell distance.
//To get the cell center value.
c_t0 = THREAD_T0(f_t); /* adjacent cell thread to f */
c0 = F_C0(f, f_t); /* adjacent cell to f */

uc = C_U(c0, c_t0); // calculating velocity using the adjacent call and cell thread
Message("UC :%f", uc);
uw = F_U(f, f_t); // Calculating velocity using face and face thread
Message("UW :%f", uw);

dy = 1.25 * (10 ^ (-8)); // from inflation layer
grad = (uw - uc) / dy;

T = C_T(c0, c_t0); /* temperature of the cell */
P = C_P(c0, c_t0); /* peressure of the cell */
density = C_R(c0, c_t0); /* density of the cell*/
MU = C_MU_L(c0, c_t0); /* laminar viscosity of the cell */
u = C_U(c0, c_t0);
v = C_V(c0, c_t0);
K = C_K_L(c0, c_t0); /* thermal conductivity of the cell */
landa = (k_B * T) / (sqrt_2 * pi * sigma * sigma * P); /* mean free path line */
F_PROFILE(f, f_t, index) = relax * (((2 - sigma_v) / sigma_v) * landa * grad);
i = i + 1;

end_f_loop(f, f_t)

I think that fluent maybe does not calculate property values at the faces...hence the segmentation fault. If such is the case, kindly guide me as to how the face velocity can be calculated.

thanks in advance

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Old   September 28, 2019, 10:46
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I don't see what could be the problem...

I see another problem in dy: 10^(-8) does not mean what you think it means.

And another problem: your calculated gradient will not be more accurate than the one in Fluent. All problems you get with fluents gradient will also show up in your gradient.
You never stated your goal, but it looks like you are trying to implement a slip condition. I hope that you know that fluent has this already built-in, you can enable it without writing any UDF.
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