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UDF for Azimuth rotation of wing

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Old   April 23, 2019, 07:31
Default UDF for Azimuth rotation of wing
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Join Date: Apr 2019
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Muhammad Bilal Anwar is on a distinguished road
Hi experts!
I am a CFD student. I am simulating a rectangular wing in azimuth rotation in Ansys Fluent. I have written a UDF for the verification and validation purpose in terms of non-dimensionalized terms. But it did not work fine. The wing is not rotating through the angle as specified in the UDF.
I have used the equations in UDF from this paper. "Dynamics of revolving wings for various aspect ratios Garmann 2014"
I am using this paper as my base paper.

Secondly, If you could find any better paper for validating this type of motion, It would be appreciated a lot.
it would be really kind of you if you could help me with this matter.
Looking forward to your replies.

Thanks in advance

here is the UDF.

/* The udf is written for Tubercled/smooth wing modeled . R/c= 4.0. Chord length of 10 mm i.e, 0.01m and Re 1000 at root of wing i.e velocity = 1.4604 m/s */

#include "udf.h"

#define tau_1 0 /*non-dimensionalized start time*/
#define tau_2 1.396263402 /*non-dimensionalized End time*/
#define pi 3.1416 /*radians*/
#define a 5.2 /*smoothing factor*/
#define psi_max 2.0 /*non-dimensionalized max rotational velocity*/
#define U 1.4604 /* max linear velocity at root of wing*/
#define c 0.01 /*Chord in meters*/
#define psi_not 2.792526803 /*total rotational angle rad*/
static real psi_dot = 0.0;
DEFINE_CG_MOTION(TEST, dt, vel, omega, time, dtime)
{ Thread *t;
face_t f;
real psi;
real psi_dot;
NV_S(vel, =,0.0);
NV_S(omega, =,0.0);
if (Data_Valid_P())

real tau = time*U/c;

real value = (cosh(a*(tau - tau_1)))/(cosh(a*(tau - tau_2)));
psi = (psi_max/(2*a))*log(value)+0.5*psi_not;
psi_dot = (psi_max/(2*a))*(-a/cosh(a*(tau-tau_1)))*(cosh(a*(tau-
Message("time:%f tau: %f psi:%f psi_dot:%f\n",time,tau,psi,psi_dot);
omega[0] = 0.0;
omega[1] = psi_dot;
omega[2] = 0.0;
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